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2010/11/18 10:06:23瀏覽1093|回應1|推薦3 | |
謹按: 近日再次閱讀1945.10.9發生在台東中央山脈南段的三叉山空難事件,思及前年秋曾前往向陽山-三叉山-嘉明湖登山健行,拍攝了不少美麗的風光圖片。目前正編輯以“Formosa & its Stories-Spring,Summer,Fall,Winter”為名的台灣風光圖冊,擬將嘉明湖、三叉山風景納入,至於解說文字,打算講一個可歌可泣的三叉山空難事件故事。此一空難事件中,由於搜救期間遇上強烈颱風侵襲,機上人員及蒐救者共有51人在3000多公尺的高山上罹難,其中包括:美國人、荷蘭人、澳大利亞人、日本人、臺灣人、山地同胞。這樣的故事應能吸引讀者,日後出書,贈送外籍友人,當作見面禮,應有助於談助。 今日閱讀筆記 1945.10.9三叉山空難事件 On Sep.10,1945,a United States Army Air Force plane crashed in Taiwan's Central Mountains . US, Dutch and Australian POWs who had been in camps in Japan, were being transported in bombers from Okinawa to Manila,so that they could join ships returning to their homelands. Each plane had 20 passengers and 5 crew. During the journey, the plane was blown off course when flying through the tail end of a typhoon , and crashed on 三叉山 Mountain, North of Taitong, Formosa. A search mission of 8, which included Japanese military, police, local Taiwanese, and native tribes, was undertaken shortly afterwards. A second recovery team of 89 and the first team were caught in a super typhoon, and 26 members of the two teams died. After typhoon,a third team was sent up in October, 1945, and they buried all the bodies beside a small pond. A further mission recovered the bodies, and some (4 Dutch & 5 Australians )were reburied in Sai Wan War Cemetery, Hong Kong.
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |