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謹按: 1662年,福建南部的中國海軍及陸軍武力由國姓爺鄭成功率領,擊敗台南安平港的荷蘭人,並將荷蘭政府及軍隊逐出台灣島。戰事結束後,雙方簽下和平條約,這是筆者所知有關台灣的最早一項和約,相當有趣。茲找出和約原文,詳閱後,做下筆記。 鄭成功 沈葆楨﹝1820-1879﹞﹝1874.5-1875巡視台灣﹞ 沈葆楨﹝今外交部次長沈呂巡的高祖﹞在台灣的建設包括:行政區劃的調整、開山“撫番”、表彰忠節振勵民心、加強防務。其中,“表彰忠節振勵民心”政績與鄭成功有關,茲簡述如下:﹝摘自維基百科﹞ 沈葆楨抵台之時,清廷領有台灣已達190年,當時清廷對鄭成功的抗清運動也已由貶抑轉向包容,早在康熙帝就已有“朱成功係明室遺臣,非朕之亂臣賊子”之語。台灣民間也有建祠祭祀之風,且名以“開山廟”,以掩官吏耳目。 沈葆楨抵台之後,台灣府進士楊士芳等稟稱,可否奏請追諡鄭成功,並准予建祠;台灣道、台灣知府等官員亦表贊同,沈葆楨也認為有其必要,據以上奏,清廷准其奏請,在台灣府城建專祠,並追諡“忠節”。之後建祠於府城,以南明諸臣114人配享,春秋兩季加以祭祀。沈葆楨並親手書寫對聯云:“開萬古得未曾有之奇,洪荒留此山川,作遺民世界;極一生無可如何之遇,缺憾還諸天地,是創格完人。” 閱讀筆記: 國姓爺與荷蘭政府間條約﹝1662.2.1簽訂於熱遮蘭城﹞ 本條約,由自1661.5.1至1662.2.1圍攻福爾摩沙熱遮蘭城的國姓爺鄭成功閣下為一方;與荷蘭政府的代表、上述熱遮蘭城的總督FREDERIK COYETT及其參議會為另一方,雙方同意簽訂。約文共有十八條,如下: 第1條 雙方忘記對方施加的一切敵意。 第2條 熱遮蘭城,及其外壘、大砲、剩餘戰爭物資、商品、貨幣、及其他屬於﹝荷蘭東印度﹞公司的財產,將拋棄交給國姓爺閣下。 第3條 稻米、麵包、酒、肉、豬肉、食油、醋、繩索、帆、瀝青、焦油、錨、火藥、子彈及亞麻布,及其他被圍攻一方航返 Batavia﹝今印尼雅加達﹞所必需的其他類似物品,將按前述總督及其參議會的指示帶上﹝荷蘭東印度﹞公司的船上。 第4條 一切屬於荷蘭政府官員的私人動產,不論在城內或其他地方,應先由國姓爺閣下的代表檢查,然後放置在前述船隻上。 第5條 除了這些物品外,28位參議員每一人應被允許攜帶200元荷幣,及20位選定的平民合計攜帶100元荷幣。 第6條 檢查後,荷蘭士兵得從事升旗、燃放信號、上膛的來福槍、及擊鼓,並在總督指揮下邁步上船開拔。 第7條 在福爾摩沙的所有中國債務人或承租人的姓名,包括向渠等得主張請求權的細目,應從公司的帳冊中複製,並交給國姓爺閣下。 第8條 一切政府檔案文件得攜帶至Batavia。 第9條 目前遭中國人監禁在福爾摩沙的每一位公司職員,應在八天或十天內予以釋放;被監禁在中國的,應盡快釋放。在福爾摩沙未被監禁的公司職員應給予自由通行,以安全抵達公司的船隻。 第10條 上述國姓爺閣下現在應將四艘被扣押的小艇歸還給公司,含所有附屬物。 第11條 他同樣應提供足夠的船隻以便將公司的人員及物品送至其船上。 第12條 公司人員停留期間,閣下的人民應以合理的價格每日提供蔬菜、鮮肉及其他任何必需品以維持渠等的生計。 第13條 只要公司人員仍在陸地上尚未起航,國姓爺閣下的士兵或其他臣民不應被允許進入城堡﹝除非為公司提供勞務﹞、接近外壘超過防禦工事、或前進超越閣下下令豎起的木柵。 第14條 於公司人員已邁出城堡前,除了白旗外,不應有其他旗幟飄揚。 第15條 在城堡內看守倉庫的人員應繼續停留二或三天,直到其他人員及物品均已上船,然後他們應跟著上船。 第16條 一旦雙方簽署本協議,任一方依照各該國慣例,國姓爺閣下應將兩個人質遞交荷蘭船隻中的一艘,即:中國官吏或船長Moor Ongkun 和參政會的Pimpan Jamoosje。另一方,且代表公司的,國姓爺閣下應接受留置Jan Oetgens van Waveren君,他是次於總督位階的第二號官員﹝筆者註:似為參議會議長﹞,及David Harthouwer君,亦是福爾摩沙參議會成員。這些人質應留置在先前指定的地方,直到每一件事均依照本條約的規定執行完畢。 第17條 目前在城堡內或在公司船上的中國俘虜應與被國姓爺閣下的臣民所捕獲的我方任何人民進行交換。 第18條 ﹝略﹞ Treaty between Koxinga and the Dutch Government Signed at Castle Zeelandia 1 February 1662 Treaty made and agreed upon; from the one side, by His Highness the LORD TEIBINGH TSIANTE TEYSIANCON KOXIN, who has besieged Castle Zeelandia on Formosa since 1st May 1661 up till this 1st day of February 1662; and from the other side, as representing the Dutch Government, by the Governor of the said Castle, , and his Council, consisting of the undernoted eighteen Articles: Article 1 All hostilities committed on either side to be forgotten. Castle Zeelandia, with its outworks, artillery, remaining war materiel, merchandise, money, and other properties belonging to the Honourable Company, to be surrendered to LORD KOXINGA. Rice, bread, wine, arack, meat, pork, oil, vinegar, ropes, canvas, pitch, tar, anchors, gunpowder, bullets, and linen, with such other articles as may be required by the besieged during their voyage to Batavia, to be taken aboard the Company's ships in keeping with instructions from the before-mentioned Governor and Council. Article 4 All private movable property inside the Castle or elsewhere belonging to officers of the Dutch Government, shall first be inspected by LORD KOXINGA's delegates, and then placed on board the said ships. Article 5 In addition to these goods, each of the twenty-eight Councillors shall be permitted to take with them two hundred rijksdaalders, and twenty chosen civilians an aggregate sum of one thousand rijksdaalders. Article 6 After inspection, the Dutch soldiers may come forth with flying banners, burning fusees, loaded rifles, and beating drums, marching thus for embarkation under command of the Governor. Article 7 The names of all Chinese debtors or lease-holder in Formosa, with particulars of claims against them, shall be copied out of the company's books, and handed to LORD KOXINGA. All the Government archives may be taken to Batavia. Article 9 Every servant of the Company, now imprisoned by the Chinese in Formosa, shall be liberated within eight or ten days, and those who are in China, as soon as possible. Servants of the Company who are not imprisoned in Formosa shall be granted a free pass to reach the Company's ships in safety. Article 10 The said LORD KOXINGA shall now return to the Company the four captured boats, with all their accessories. Article 11 He shall also provide a sufficient number of vessels to take the Honourable Company's people and goods to their ships. Article 12 Vegetables, flesh-meat, and whatever else may be necessary to sustain the Company's people during their stay, shall daily be provided by His Highness's subjects at a reasonable price. Article 13 So long as the Honourable Company's people remain on land before embarkation, no soldier or other subject of LORD KOXINGA shall be permitted to enter the Castle (unless...on service for the Company), to approach the outworks nearer than the gabions, or to proceed further than the palisades erected by order of His Highness. Article 14 No other than a white flag shall float from the Castle until the Honourable Company's people have marched out. Article 15 Those who guard the stores shall remain in the Castle two or three days after the other people and goods have been taken on board, and thereafter they shall proceed themselves to the vessels. Article 16 As soon as this agreement is signed, sealed, and sworn to on both sides, each according to his country's customs, LORD KOXINGA shall deliver to one of the Dutch ships two hostages, viz. the Mandarin or Captain Moor Ongkun and Pimpan Jamoosje of the political Council. On the other side, and as representing the Company, LORD KOXINGA shall receive custody of Mr. Jan Oetgens van Waveren, an official second in rank to the Governor, and Mr. David Harthouwer, also a member of the Formosan Council. Each of these hostages shall remain in a previously fixed place until everything has been carried out in accordance with the terms of this contract. Article 17 Chinese prisoners at present in the Castle or on the Company's ships shall be exchanged for any of our people who have been seized by the subjects of LORD KOXINGA. Article 18 All misunderstandings, and every important matter overlooked in this Agreement, shall immediately be dealt with to the satisfaction of both parties, upon notice having been given on either side.
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |