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經濟學人:台灣是國家 且很重要
2010/04/19 21:51:54瀏覽331|回應0|推薦4

4/15/2010 經濟學人:台灣是國家 且很重要 | 國際焦點 | 全球觀察 | 聯合新聞網
4/15/2010 Defining what makes a country: In quite a state | The Economist
The number of countries with formal diplomatic ties to Taiwan has shrivelled to just 23—mostly small, cash-strapped islands. Yet Taiwan is not just a country, but a rather important one. Under mainland-pleasing names such as “Chinese Taipei” it is a member of the Asian Development Bank and the World Trade Organisation, and an observer at some OECD panels. It has nearly 100 “trade offices” around the world.



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4/15/2010 Clinton Foundation

1. Which of the following are greenhouse gases?
a. Carbon dioxide (CO2)
b. Water vapor
c. Methane
d. Nitrous Oxide
e. All of the above
Ans: e

2. What percentage of global greenhouse emissions is
represented by road transportation?
a. 1%
b. 5%
c. 10%
d. 30%
Ans: c

3. What is the major source of electricity around the world?
a. Coal
b. Nuclear
c. Gas
d. Oil
Ans: a (38%)

4. In the United States, for every billion dollars invested,
which of the following creates the most jobs?
a. Coal-fired power plant
b. Solar thermal plant
c. Building retrofits
Ans: c

5. How many acres of tropical forests are lost worldwide each year?
a. 32,000 acres
b. 320,000 acres
c. 32 million acres
d. 320 million acres
Ans: c

6. Replacing conventional incandescent traffic lights with LEDs can reduce
engery use by how much?
a. Up to 10%
b. Up to 40%
c. Up to 60%
d. Up to 90%
Ans: d

7. Garbage can generate energy, fertilizer, and fabric. True or False?
a. True
b. False
Ans: a

8. What does REDD stand for?
a. Raise Environmental Destruction, and Deforestation
b. Recycle, Educate, Develop and Demand
c. Reduce Emission from Defroestation and Degradation
d. None of the above
Ans: c

9. Which ironic building in New York is set to become 38 percent more
energy efficient?
a. The Chrysler Building
b. The Empire State Building
c. The Statue of Liberty
d. The Woolworth Building
Ans: b

10. What is the Clinton Foundation doing to fight climate change?
a. Working with the world's largest cities to reduce their carbon emissions
b. Helping restore forest and stop defrostation
c. Developing large-scale clean energy projects
d. All of the above
Ans: d

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