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2016/06/21 09:36:15瀏覽296|回應0|推薦3


         民國一百年元月三日傍晚,因不明原因大量便血,進住士林新光醫院五天四夜,事後曾寫成《莫名去回》一五晝四夜冒險記一乙文。上(五)月廿三日傍晚,進住南加州橙縣安納罕市的凱撒醫療中心(Kaiser Permanente Orange County - Anaheim Medical Center ),廿七日中午回到兒子家中,同樣是五天四夜,但是因住院的是兒子書翰,不是我本人,而且兒子住院是為了檢查頭腦,而不是開刀或治療,因此心情與感受跟上次住院完全不同。

       兒子在UC BURKERY得了碩士學位後,回到德州AUSTIN,一方面在建設公司工作,一方面又在UT AUSTIN修讀MBA,得了MBA後就轉到南加州,進入CLARK建設公司上班,擔任估價工程師,前年由資深估價工程師晉升為估價主任工程師(Chief Estimator)。從事估價工作已十數年,但一直希望能有機會嘗試有關土地開發的工作。去年二月間家媳生了男孫,四月上旬南加州最大的土地開發公司一The Irvine Development Corporation(IDC)就主動找上他,兒子乃辭去CLARK建設公司工作,轉任開發公司估價處長(Director),十月間買到新屋,十一月梢賣掉舊屋,十二月初搬入新家,不料過了年不久,元月二十三日身體突感不適,初是發生幻聽,聽到小孩子哭叫聲,繼而出現短暫失憶,腦子一片空白,嚴重時則說不出話來。這種症狀斷斷續續發生多次後,立即去看醫生,先後做過腦波測驗及MRI掃瞄等檢查,均未發現特殊異狀,遵照醫生囑咐服藥,也未見太大效果。二月十九日乃辭去開發公司工作,休息了一個月左右,於三月二十一日回到原來的建設公司上班(註一)。根據記憶,自元月二十三日起至五月中旬止,前後陸續發生上述症狀約二十次之多!




「I’m excited to go back to werork on Monday. =) It's been a month since I quit my last job. Looking forward to working with my old team again, and actually talking to people during the day!

I had too much time to focus on my health issues the past month; and know that interaction with people makes my head clearer.

Just an update of my seizures... unfortunately had one yesterday. During the seizure, I become focused on a phrase, and everything I hear and read becomes the phrase that I'm thinking. Unfortunately, I'm also unable to say that phrase out loud. So Grace and I played charades for an hour last night, with her trying to guess what I'm trying to say. I'm a bad actor, and she's a bad guesser, and in the end, we just went to bed unable to figure out what the phrase was.

If you're the praying type, please pray that the seizures go away; that as I start interacting with people on a more regular basis (Irvine Company was so quiet and people so non-interactive), I'll be able to serve others, and not pity myself. Also, that I can be disciplined to get enough sleep at night and keep "Kepprage" from affecting me.」


「In case there is a competition for best sister in the world, I'd like to   

    nominate my sister Susan.

Since this mess started last month, she has:

- been the first to visit me at the hospital
- babysat the kids so Grace can visit me
- driven down to San Diego to be with me in the ER
- taken time off work to go with me to doctor appointments
- texted me like every 30 minutes to make sure I'm okay
- brought over home cooked meals. Susan-sized home-cooked meals.
- brought over a bunch of easy-to-cook groceries
- worried non-stop in only the way she can

I'm seriously the luckiest guy to have a sister like her.」

『註三』: 兒子對住院檢查乙事,在臉書(Facebook)上的記載 :

Day 1: Day 1 of long-term EEG.

Like my gauze football helmet?

Visitors (incl. Susan and Gilbert).

It's "only" 9:30PM, but I'm exhausted. The doctor asked me to get no more than 3-4 hours of sleep last night. I'm not allowed to go to bed before 2AM, and have to wake up by 6AM.

Since lack of sleep is a major contributor of seizures. They want to deprive me of sleep until I have 3, maybe more seizures.

Thanks Susan, Duke, Jeff, Alex, Ái Vân, and Joshua for spending time with me today.

Also thank you Linda for taking my dad home in the morning.

Day 2: Really appreciate all the support and love you've shown on Day 2!

As for the medical stuff... Still waiting for an episode to happen so they can collect the data and figure out if it's seizures or something else.

The doctor is limiting me to 4 hours of sleep per night. She also stopped the seizure medication. Hopefully I'll be loopy tomorrow.

Actually, would be grateful if you could pray for, or wish that I get a seizure tomorrow.

Bet you don't hear that much. =)

Day 3 : Day 3 of EEG study and still no seizure despite sleeping only 10 hours total the past 3 nights.

Having a hard time working because I'm so tired and brain is operating at half-speed at best.

The disappointment of not being able to figure out what's going on is countered by the joy of spending time with friends and family - some of whom I haven't seen in a while.

Day 4 : Day 4 is coming to a close and the odds of having a seizure are becoming slim.

Even though there's no data for the doctor to analyze, I'm praying for the possibility that the seizures will go away on their own in due time.

For the 4th day in a row, I feel completely loved by family and friends that have come to visit or "babysit" me.

Day 5 : And I'm home.

Felt good to take the "leather football helmet" off and finally scratch my itchy scalp.

Appreciate the support and love the past week. Especially to Gilbert, Susan, Sing, Duke, Chalin, Grace and the rugrats, Hideka, Min, Linda, Jeff, Joshua, Don, Mike, Donna, Sabastian, Ái Vân, Kwang, Brian and Alex for "babysitting" me, or transporting my dad to and from the hospital.

I know the Kaiser staff will probably never see this, but they made my 5-day vaca... err... hospital stay stress free. Without them, I would have had multiple seizures (lol?).

Will see what happens next. Hopefully the meds can keep the seizures at bay, because the alternative - brain surgery - does not sound like something I'd want to undergo.

『註四』:二月二十二日對辭去The Irvine Development Corporation(IDC)工作的說明:

「I quit Irvine Company last Friday. Partly because of a terrible boss (who got himself fired last week), and also because I didn't think they were committed to the changes they talked about.

So now I'm unemployed with some unknown medical issues.

But don't feel bad for me. Already have a job offer from my previous company; a good group of doctors trying to figure out what's wrong with my brain; family and friends who genuinely care about my well-being.

Special thanks to my sister Susan and accountability partner Brian for being with me every step of the way.

And no, I'm not dying. Not that anyone's told me anyway.」

( 心情隨筆家庭親子 )
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