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2013/03/06 02:29:57瀏覽3895|回應7|推薦62

這家義大利餐廳在2009年五月才開張的,不過開張以後來勢洶洶,馬上成為城裡超難訂位的一家餐廳。它的主廚Thomas McNaughton出身紐澤西,以不到卅歲的年紀到舊金山來闖天下。他的年紀很輕,不過自從來舊金山發展之後經歷的都是星光閃閃的餐廳,城裡的幾家米其林餐廳,包括La Folie,Gary Danko,Quince都有他打滾過的痕跡。

他也正是在Quince工作的時候碰上了他未來的餐廳合作伙伴David White。Thomas McNaughton離開Quince之後到歐州去歷練,最後流浪到義大利的Bologna一家義大利麵的製麵廠去和一群婆婆媽媽從基本功學起,學著怎麼作手工義大利麵。當David White和David Steele兩個舊金山人打算開一家餐廳時,David White最後找上了他在Quince結識的Thomas McNaughton,在2009年開了這家Flour+Water。名字指的正是義大利麵裡的兩個基本原料。








菜單。不是很長的菜單,也有義大利麵的tasting menu。


今天很乖,没開一整瓶的,只點單杯的酒。2009 St. Michael-Eppan, Point Bianco, Schulthauser, DOC, Alto Adige。

我今天喝啤酒。加州Larkspur在地酒廠Marin Brewing Company出的Point Reyes Porter。這個好喝,很有巧克力的餘韻。


叫了一道前菜smoked swordfish with beets, grapes, olives, avocado & radish。從這道前菜就可以看出它們的功力。這個燻劍魚作的不錯。搭甜菜,橄欖,葡萄,櫻桃蘿蔔,配牛油果的醬汁也配得好。

當然要試一試它們的義大利麵:duck casonsei with persimmon & pistachio。casonsei是義大利諸多餃子的一種,這裡頭包的是鴨肉,醬汁是柿子和開心果作的。這個真的是好吃。那個醬汁好吃到又和服務生多要了一份麵包來刮乾淨了才甘心。

叫了一個salsiccia匹薩。這上頭是豬肉香腸,馬鈴薯,treccione起士, egg emulsion和rosemary香草。它們的匹薩作得在水準之上,不過實在是被前面的義大利麵驚豔驚過頭了。城裡在水準之上的匹薩在別的餐廳像Delfina Pizzeria也找得著。我們的結論是如果要喬了這麼久才喬來的訂位,來這裡還是要主攻別的地方不見得找得著的好義大利麵才是王道。

點了一個副菜sauteed turnips & apples with brown butter & hazelnuts。這個是今天晚上唯一没有覺得很特別厲害的菜。這個裡頭用的照理說是熬過的奶油brown butter。不過吃來吃去就是一般奶油的味道,而且奶油下手下得有點重。也許是我的中國胃覺得這種吃起來像蘿蔔的turnips配奶油實在不是很搭。


叫了一個甜點chocolate budino with espresso cream & sea salt來分食。這個蠻多人推薦的,所以是來之前就已經下定決心要試到的。這個果然是名不虛傳。巧克力配上濃縮咖啡的cream,再灑上海鹽,這個好吃到差點把容器拿起來舔!




地址:2401 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA 94110




( 休閒生活美食 )
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Sam from Chicago
2013/04/03 13:24
Ok..XOCO is great and the price is friendly!! Cafeteria style, you wait in line, you order, pay, get your drink, then they lead you to your seat. Perfect sandwiches and everything, the sauces were to die for!! Not nearly as fancy as Nopalito, very simple and down to earth but it was VERY crowded. It would be great to take out (you can order online ahead of the time), then go for a picnic or dine in at 3pm in a Tuesday afternoon. Still, I will go there again and again just for those absolutely perfect tastey tortas. Oh...wood burning oven there too. Going to Minneapolis in a few weeks, will let you know where we go for the "dining out for life" and how it turns out. 大笑
Gloomy Bear(gloomybear) 於 2013-04-03 23:05 回覆:

Hmm, cafeteria style, now that is an interesting concept.  There is nothing better than high-quality food served in a non-pretentious way!  I’ll definitely give it a try next time when I make it to Chicago.  Eating at 3pm, or anytime of the day for that matter, is one of my few learned skills. 大笑  Have fun in Minneapolis.  Definitely let me know what restaurants you get to try out there!  

2013/04/03 12:05
I mean good wine with menu altogether making my mouse watering
This is send out from my cell phone
You can go anywhere and login Udn .com
What a bomb
This is a Smart and brilliant report for the gourmet dinner
Gloomy Bear(gloomybear) 於 2013-04-03 22:56 回覆:
Yeah, isn’t it wonderful that we can always connect anywhere we are nowadays.  I am glad that you like this posting!

2013/04/03 11:59
Thank u for sharing
Yummy good eject d and beer
Looks very tasty
Gloomy Bear(gloomybear) 於 2013-04-03 22:53 回覆:
It’s a fairly solid restaurant.  The food is pretty good.  I just wish it was easier to get in. 無奈

Sam from Chicago
No Pennisula, XOCO instead
2013/03/28 02:56
NO afternoon tea at the Pennisula this weekend!! 怒吼啜泣  Found out they were sold out two-three weeks prior because this is the Easter weekend!!  And we'll the 5th on the waiting list for small party. So, I decided that we'll probably go to Rick Bayless's XOCO (his new Mexican street food restaurant), will let you know how it goes.  And, I WILL try again at the Pennisula for the afternoon tea!!!! No "mermaid line" for me either, I have "tuna belly" or "pork belly" more like it.  Pff..."mermaid line" is overrated!! Glad you had lots fun eating in Hong Kong and Taiwan, I ate a lot in taiwan as well..haha!! 大笑
Gloomy Bear(gloomybear) 於 2013-03-28 09:19 回覆:

Haha, Mermaid->Tuna->Pork, that pretty much traces the evolution path for all man our age, doesn’t it.  Fox哭哭

It’s a bummer that you don’t get to try Pennisula afternoon tea this weekend.  But XOCO sounds just as exciting.  I wonder how it will compare to Nopalito in San Francisco.  They more or less base themselves on the same concept.  Do let me know how it is.  I’ll put it on my list for Chicago if it passes your approval!

Sam from Chicago
2013/03/26 12:27
What?! Chez Panisse got burnt down?  啜泣  I just googled it and saw the news!! SO sad....I hope they rebuild it soon. Ah, lucky you!! Super eating journey eh? hehee...can't wait for your postings.  One of my friends from Minneapolis is coming to visit this week, and we're going to try to secure a reservation for afternoon tea at the Peninsula this saturday.  Should be interesting... Enjoy the rest of your super eating journey and have a safe trip home!! 大笑
Gloomy Bear(gloomybear) 於 2013-03-26 23:44 回覆:

Man!  Peninsula afternoon tea, you’ll have to let me know how it is.  I just walked by the Peninsula in Kowloon the other day.  But my list of places to eat in Hong Kong were way too long, didn’t make it to their afternoon tea.  Alas! 

Just came to San Francisco, there will be no more eating for a couple of weeks.  Got to shed that extra few pounds gained in Hong Kong and Taiwan.  Have to dig out my 人魚線, which was a new term that I learned in Taiwan.  That’s all they have been talking about in Taiwanese news for the past 2 weeks! But I can't find mine anymore after these two weeks of eating! Fox哭哭

Sam from Chicago
2013/03/21 14:42
Ha, long time no see and happy belated chinese new year!!! :) I just got back from Taiwan after a month visit, haven't been able to visit your blog for a while.  ANYWAYS, thank you for going there; I've been reading about this restaurant and bit curious about it as well.  It seems lovely and everything just looks so delish!!! This restaurant is going on my list to visit along with Alice Water's and Hubert Keller's.  Thanks!!! :D
Gloomy Bear(gloomybear) 於 2013-03-22 09:34 回覆:

Hi Sam! Happy Chinese New Year! Finally, just for this once, I don't have to envy you guys who just came back from Taiwan! I am in Taiwan myself right at this moment! 感動(嘩) 2 more days before I wrap up my 2-week eating journey thru Hong Kong and Taiwan! 得意 

By the way, speaking of Alice Waters.  Chez Panisse just got burnt down! Hopefully, they will rebuild soon!

ShibaMaggie @ 舊金山
2013/03/09 13:51

舊金山東南邊越來越多不錯的餐廳, 但因weekdays 都往那兒跑, weekends 都是在Sunset 出現, 最近發現, Sunset 開了幾家餃子店和麵食餐廳 (在Taraval), 還有一家手工水餃 (在 Noriega), 現場包, 現場賣, 買回家煮, 還不錯吃.  沒辦法, 中國胃.

麵食也是 Flour+ Water, 但還是比較喜歡吃餃子

Gloomy Bear(gloomybear) 於 2013-03-10 19:39 回覆: