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2011/01/24 12:50:11瀏覽272|回應0|推薦0

I am a little bit of loneliness, a little bit of disregard 我感到有點寂寞,一點點的漠視 
Handful of complaints but I can't help the fact 有一些抱怨,但我不能幫助事實 
That everybody can see these scars 每個人都可以看到這些傷疤
I am what I want you to want, what I want you to feel 我就是想要你去想要什麼,我希望你能感覺到 
But it's like no matter what I do, I can't convince you 但就像無論我做什麼,我無法說服你 
To just believe this is real 就相信這是真的
So I, let go watching you turn your back like you always do 所以我,放手看著你回頭像你總是這樣 
Face away and pretend that I'm not 逃避和假裝不是我
But I'll be here cause you're all that I've got 不過,我會來的,你就是我全部所有

I can't feel the way I did before 以前的方式我感覺不到
Don't turn your back on me 你不要回到我這 
I won't be ignored 我不會被忽略 
Time won't heal this damage anymore 時間不會治愈這種損害了
Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored 你不要回到我這,我必不容忽視
I am, a little bit insecure, a little unconfident 我是有點不安,有點沒自信
Cuz you don't understand I do what I can 因為你不知道我可以做什麼
Sometimes I don't make sense 有時候我沒有意義
I am, what you never wanna say, but I've never had a doubt 我是,你再也不想說,但我從來沒有懷疑
It's like no matter what I do I can't convince you for once just to hear me out 這就像無論我做什麼我無法說服你就這一次,聽我把話說完 
So I, let go watching you turn your back like you always do 所以我,放手看著你回頭像你總是這樣 
You face away and pretend that I'm not 逃避和假裝不是我
But I'll be here cause you're all that I've got 不過,我會來的,你就是我全部所有 
 can't feel the way I did before 以前的方式我感覺不到
Don't turn your back on me 你不要回到我這 
I won't be ignored 我不會被忽略 
Time won't heal this damage anymore 時間不會治愈這種損害了
Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored 你不要回到我這,我必不容忽視

Hear me out now 現在聽我把話說完 
You're gonna listen to me like it or not 你會聽我說喜歡還是不喜歡
Right now, hear me out now 現在聽我把話說完 
You're gonna listen to me like it or not 你會聽我說喜歡還是不喜歡
Right now 現在

I can't feel the way I did before 以前的道路我感覺不到
Don't turn your back on me 你不要回到我這 
I won't be ignored 我必不容忽視 

I can't feel the way I did before 以前的方式我感覺不到
Don't turn your back on me 你不要回到我這 
I won't be ignored 我必不容忽視
Time won't heal this damage anymore 
Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored 你不要回到我這,我必不容忽視
I can't feel 我感覺不到
Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored 你不要回到我這,我必不容忽視
Time won't tell 時間不會訴說 
Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored 你不要回到我這,我必不容忽視

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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