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2010/11/05 19:12:47瀏覽848|回應0|推薦2
When They Come For Me衝著我來

I am not a pattern that we follow
The pill that I'm on is a tough one to swallow
I'm not a criminal, not a role model
Not a born leader, I'm a tough act to follow

I am not the fortune and the game我不是財富和遊戲
Or the same person telling you to forfeit the game或告訴你放棄比賽的
I came in the ring like a dog on a chain我被套上項圈就像狗一樣
And found out the underbelly's sicker than it seems似乎發現下腹部的病情加重
And it seems ugly but it can get worse它似乎醜陋但它可以變得更糟
Because even a blueprint is a gift and a curse因為即使是藍圖,是一份禮物,是禍源
Because once you got a theory of how the thing works因為一旦你有一個理論搞清楚這是怎麼一回事
Everybody wants the next thing to be like the first每個人都希望未來下一件事要第一
And I'm not a robot, I'm not a monkey而且我不是機器人,我不是猴子
I will not dance even if the beat's funky我不會跳舞,即使跳著輕快的舞步
Opposite of lazy, far from a punk相反的懶惰,遠離龐克
Stop talking and start trying to catch up motherfucker停止說話,開始嘗試趕上媽的

And all the people say 所有的人說
Try and catch up motherfucker嘗試趕上媽的

Pac said money changes situation小精靈說金錢改變現況
Big said it increase the complication帶頭的表示,這是新增的複雜情況
Kaine said don't step I ain't the one凱恩說不要讓步,我不是唯一
Chuck said an uzi weighs a motherfucking tone查克表示,烏茲他媽的有夠重

And I'm just a student of the game that they taught me而我只是個遊戲學生,他們教我
Rocking every stage and every place that they brought me搖擺的每一個階段和每一個地方,他們給我帶來了這地方
I'm awfully underrated but pay me to correct it我非常被低估但要我去糾正它
And so it ain't mistaken I'm gonna state it for the record因此,這是沒有錯,我會表明記錄
I am the opposite of where 我相反的地方
I got this a weak 我得到這個懦弱
Oppositea slack sending them a heat 相反的他們散發著
Sending them a crack closest to a peak送他們去一個接近裂縫的頂端
Far from a punk Ya'll better start trying to catch up motherfucker遠從一開始嘗試龐克使你們更好地趕上媽的

And all the people say 所有的人說
Try and catch up motherfucker嘗試趕上媽的

But when they come for me但是,當他們來找我
Come for me, I'll be gone衝著我來,我會離開
But when they come for me但是,當他們來找
Come for me, I'll be gone衝著我來,我會離開
Oh when they come for me但是,當他們來找我
Come for me, I'll be gone衝著我來,我會離開
And all the people say所有的人說
Try to catch up motherfucker嘗試趕上媽的
And all the people say所有的人說
Try to catch up motherfucker嘗試趕上媽的

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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