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Linkin Park lyrics - Not Alone
2010/05/19 11:16:19瀏覽784|回應0|推薦0


Linkin Park lyrics - Not Alone 不孤獨

album: Music For Relief Compilation專輯:音樂救濟彙編

I break down我打破
Fear is sinking in恐懼是在下沉
The cold comes / racing through my skin來自寒冷/駛過我的皮膚
Searching for a way to get to you / through the storm尋找一個辦法讓你/穿過風暴

You go, giving up your home你去吧,讓你的家在站起來
Go, leaving all you've known去吧,讓你知道一切
You are not alone你並不孤單

With arms up / stretched into the sky由於手臂向上/伸向了天空
With eyes like / echos in the night眼睛像/在夜裡迴聲
Hiding from / the hell that you've been through隱藏自 /地獄,你已經通過
Silent one沉默的一個

You go, giving up your home你去吧,讓你的家在站起來
Go, leaving all you've known去吧,讓你知道一切
You go, giving up your home你去吧,讓你的家在站起來
Go, leaving all you've known去吧,讓你知道一切
You are not alone你並不孤單

You go, giving up your home你去吧,讓你的家在站起來
Go, leaving all you've known去吧,讓你知道一切
You go, giving up your home你去吧,讓你的家在站起來
Go, you are not unknown去吧,讓你知道一切
You are not alone你並不孤單

You are not unknown您不是不知道
You are not alone你並不孤單
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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