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2010/10/12 14:51:08瀏覽309|回應0|推薦0

The Messenger Lyrics:信使歌詞

When you feel you're alone當你覺得很孤單
cut off from this cruel world切斷了這個殘酷的世界
your instincts telling you to run你的直覺告訴你逃

listen to your heart傾聽你的心
those angel faces那些天使面孔
they'll see you to you他們會看到你為你
they'll be your guide他們會是你的嚮導
back home where life leaves us blind回家的生活使我們盲目
love keeps us kind愛讓我們仁慈
it keeps us kind !它使我們仁慈!

when you suffered it all當你因這一切
and your spirit is breaking你的精神是崩潰
you're growing desperate from the fight絕望成長戰鬥
Remember your love記住你的愛
and you always will be而你總是會
this melody will always bring這旋律總是帶來
you right back home你回家的權利

When life leaves us blind當生活使我們盲目
Love, keeps us kind!愛讓我們仁慈!
When life leaves us blind當生活使我們盲目
Love keeps us kind!愛讓我們仁慈!

Ohhhhhh Ohhhhhhh!
Ohhhhhhh Ohhhhhh!
Ohhhhhh Ohhhhhhh!

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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