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Fallout 3 - I Don't Want to Set the World On Fire
2009/12/06 19:45:20瀏覽768|回應0|推薦0
I don't want to set the world on fire 我不想讓世界陷入火海

I just want to start a flame in your heart 我只想在你的心裡點燃火焰

In my heart I have but one desire 在我的心裡只有唯一的一個欲望

And that one is you no other will do 那就是你,無論什麼也無法將你替代

I've lost all ambition for wordly acclaim 我失去了所有的野心,只能用語言讚美

I just want to be the one you'd love 我只希望成為你的愛人

And with your admission that you'd feel the same 如果你說你也有同樣的感覺

I'll have reach the goal I'm dreaming of believe me 我就會擁有了我夢想想的一切,啊請相信我

I don't want to set the world on fire 我不想讓世界陷入火海

I just want to start a flame in your heart 我只想在你的心裡點燃火焰

(I've lost all ambition for wordly acclaim) (我失去了所有的野心,只能用語言讚美)

I just want to be the one you'd love 我只希望成為你的爱人

(And with your admission could you'd feel the same) (如果你說你也有同樣的感覺)

I'll have reach the goal I'm dreaming of believe me 我就會擁有了我夢想的一切,啊請相信我

I don't want to set the world on fire 我不想讓世界陷入火海

I just want to start a flame in your heart 我只想在你的心裡點燃火焰

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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