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Fallout 3 - Billie Holiday - Crazy He Calls Me
2009/12/08 12:57:31瀏覽599|回應0|推薦0
form the http://www.lyricstime.com/billie-holiday-crazy-he-calls-me-lyrics.html

I say I'll move the mountains我說我將爬過山

And I'll move the mountains且我將爬過山

If he wants them out of the way假如他想要我們離開這裡

Crazy, he calls me瘋狂,他叫我

Sure I'm crazy確實,我很瘋狂

Crazy in love, I'd say瘋狂戀愛,我要說

I say I'll go through fire我說我將穿過火焰

And I'll go through fire且我將要穿過火焰

As he wants it, so it shall be正如他希望,因此應該

Crazy, he calls me瘋狂,他叫我

Sure I'm crazy確實,我很瘋狂

Crazy in love, you see瘋狂戀愛,你看到

Like the wind that shakes the bough像風一樣的搖動樹枝

He moves me with a smile他移動我微笑

The difficult I'll do right now困難的現在我會做

The impossible will take a little while不可能的事情將需要一段時間

I say I'll care forever我說我會永遠照顧

And I mean forever且我意味這是永遠的

If I have to hold up the sky如果我舉上了天空

Crazy, he calls me瘋狂,他叫我

Sure I'm crazy確實,我很瘋狂

Crazy in love am I 瘋狂的愛我

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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