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Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall (The Ink Spots)
2009/12/06 19:49:21瀏覽1130|回應0|推薦0
Into each life some rain must fall 每個人的生命中都會遇到風雨

But too much is falling in mine 但我的生命中風雨似乎太多了

Into each heart some tears must fall 每個人的心中都會遇到淚水

But some day the sun will shine 但總有一天太陽會升起來的

Some folks can lose the blues in their hearts 一些人們會失去他們心中的藍色

But when I think of you another shower starts 但當我想到你,心情立刻就會轉變

Into each life some rain must fall 每個人的生命中都會遇到風雨

But too much is falling in mine 但我的生命中風雨似乎太多了

Into each life some rain must fall 每個人的生命中都會遇到風雨

But too much, too much is fallin’ in mine 但我的生命中風雨似乎太多了

Into each heart some tears must fall 每個人的心中都會遇到淚水

But some day the sun will shine 但總有一天太陽會升起來的

Some folks can lose the blues in their heart 一些人們會失去他們心中的藍色

But when I think of you another shower starts 但當我想到你,心情立刻就會轉變

Into each life some rain must fall 每個人的生命中都會遇到風雨

But too much is fallin’ in mine 但我的生命中風雨似乎太多了

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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