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Fallout 3 Billie Holiday - Easy Living
2009/12/06 19:28:05瀏覽393|回應0|推薦1
Leo Robin / Ralph Rainger 利奧羅賓 /拉爾夫芮恩格

Living for you is easy living生活對你的生活很容易
It's easy to live when you're in love這很容易當你住在愛
And I'm so in love而我如此愛
There is nothing in life but you沒有什麼,但你在生活中

I never regret the years that I'm giving但我絕不後悔這些年來,我給予
They're easy to give when you're in love它們很容易給當你在愛
I'm happy to do whatever I do for you我很高興能盡我為能你做

For you maybe I'm a fool對你也許我是個傻瓜
But it's fun但很有趣
People say you rule me with one wave of your hand人們說你,你的第一波是你的手
Darling, it's grand親愛的,它的大
They just don't understand他們只是不明白

Living for you is easy living生活對你的生活很容易
It's easy to live when you're in love這很容易,當你住在愛
And I'm so in love而我如此愛
There's nothing in life but you

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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