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Cole Porter - Anything Goes科爾波特-每件事發生!
2010/05/17 12:12:56瀏覽625|回應0|推薦0

Cole Porter - Anything Goes科爾波特-每件事發生!

Times have changed,時代已經改變,

and we've often rewound the clock且我們經常倒轉時鐘

since the Puritans got a shock,由於清教徒得到了衝擊,

when they landed on Plymouth Rock.當他們降落在普利茅斯岩石。

If today,如果今天,

any shock they should try to stem,任何衝擊,他們應盡量阻止,

'stead of landing on Plymouth Rock,代之而起的著陸普利茅斯岩石,

Plymouth Rock would land on them!普利茅斯岩石將降落在他們的土地!

In olden days a glimpse of stocking昔日放養的一個縮影

was looked on as something shocking,被看不起的事情令人震驚

but now God knows,但現在上帝知道,

anything goes!每件事發生!

Good authors too who once knew better words好作家也曾經知道誰更好的言辭

now only use four-letter words現在只用4個字母組成的單詞

writing prose,寫散文,

anything goes!每件事發生!

If driving fast cars you like,如果你駕駛的汽車一樣快,

if low bars you like,如果你喜歡矮酒吧

if old hymns you like,如果你喜歡舊的讚美詩,

If bare limbs you like,如果你喜歡裸露四肢,

if Mae West you like,如果你喜歡美西,

or me undressed you like,或者你喜歡我脫光衣服,

why nobody will oppose.為什麼沒有人會反對。

When every night the set that's smart is當每天晚上是集合所有聰明的

intruding in nudist parties in studios,裸體主義政黨闖入工作室,

anything goes!每件事發生!

When Missus Ned Mclean (God bless her)當太太內德麥克萊恩(上帝保佑她)

can get Russian Reds to 'Yes' her,俄羅斯紅軍可以為'是'她,

then I suppose然後我想

anything goes!每件事發生!

When Rockefeller still can hoard enough*當洛克菲勒仍然可以囤積足夠*

money to let Max Gordon錢讓馬克斯戈登

produce his shows,出示表明,

anything goes!每件事發生!

The world has gone mad today,今天世界已經瘋了,

and good's bad today,和良好的壞今日,

and black's white today,黑的白的今天,

and day's night today,白天和夜晚的今天,

and that gent today而今天紳士

you gave a cent today你今天給一分錢

once had several chateaux.曾經有幾個城堡。

When folks who still can ride in jitneys當人們誰仍然可以乘坐jitneys

find out Vanderbilts and Whitneys找出范德比爾特和Whitneys

Lack baby Clo'es,嬰兒缺乏Clo'es,

Anything goes!每件事發生!

When Sem Goldwyn can with great conviction當學期高德溫能與偉大的信念

instruct Anna Sten in diction,指示安娜斯登在用詞,

then Anna shows,然後安娜顯示,

Anything goes!每件事發生!

When you hear that Lady Mendl standing up當你聽說夫人Mendl站立起來

now does a handspring landing up --現在於著陸前翻了-

on her toes在她的腳趾

Anything goes!每件事發生!

Just think of those shocks you've got想那你有衝擊

and those knocks you've got且那些敲你門

and those blues you've got和那些你得到藍調

from those news you've got從這些你得到新聞

and those pains you've got和你有那些痛苦

(If any brains you've got)(如你有大腦,你得到)

from those little radios.從這些小收音機。

So Missus R., with all her trimmin's,所以太太R,與所有她trimmin的,

can broadcast a bed from Simmons可從席夢思床播放

'cause Frankiln knows **'因為Frankiln知道**

anything goes!每件事發生!

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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