青蛙老師再介紹一個或許大家會比較熟悉,尤其是家裡面有小朋友的舞友,小美人魚 電影中龍蝦賽巴斯丁 唱給小美人魚聽的"Under the sea"這首歌就是典型的Calypso.
小美人魚電影插曲 "Under the sea":
接下來要介紹張老師用的歌曲來源.說到這邊,真的不得不佩服對世界各國民謠 音樂與民俗舞蹈瞭若指掌的博學多聞的張慶三老師,將歌與舞的結合竟然是如此的 渾然天成.我想各位舞友們應該都知道倫巴舞是源自於古巴,而這首配曲Rum and Coca- Cola呢?我覺得張老師一定選用這首歌曲一定有原因的,因為這首歌曲的原名就叫做: "自由古巴"!!這首歌曲的來頭又是一個 long story,甚至連歌名都另有含意,且讓青蛙老師 細說分明.
戰爭結束後,美國佔領了古巴.由於當時美國本土正在施行禁酒令,在美國國內根本 喝不到酒,軍人征戰在外,君命有所不受,逮到機會休假就跑到哈瓦那的酒吧去喝個爛醉. 一位叫做Fausto Rodriguez的傳令兵請他的長官Russell上尉到酒吧喝酒,他叫酒保把 可樂加進當地盛產的Bacardi (Gold)蘭姆酒,在放上兩片檸檬片,Russell上尉驚為天人. 一旁的小兵都圍過來看到底是甚麼瓊漿玉液讓長官如此驚喜.Russell上尉叫酒保照 剛剛的調酒方式調上幾十杯,請酒吧裡面所有的阿兵哥一人一杯.喝到差不多的時候, 一位阿兵哥就提議大家一起喊個口號,壯壯軍威.那要喊甚麼呢?有了,美軍不是才剛 打勝仗嗎,不如口號就叫做"Por Cuba Libre!"(解放古巴自由的意思).以後大家上酒吧 要點這杯酒的時候,只要跟酒保喊說:"Cuba Libre!"(自由古巴)!酒保就知道你要喝的 就是這杯Rum and Coca-Cola! Rum and Coca-Cola!
故事內容跟美國版差不多,只是主角換成古巴的反抗軍(Mambises)跟西班牙打獨立戰爭 的場景.反抗軍同志之間聯絡的暗號為:"Por Cuba Libre!"(呵呵~,沒有新詞,跟美國一樣. )
古巴的反抗軍 Mambises:
但是有一點很奇怪,上面的場景發生在西元1898年,但是根據歷史紀載,可口可樂 是在西元1900年才賣進去古巴的,時間上兜不攏!美國人就辯稱,這是為美國軍隊帶進去 的慰勞品,讓大家在艱苦作戰期間也能夠喝到家鄉味的飲料.不管Rum and Coca-Cola 是西元幾年發明的,反正我們現在有這種好喝的雞尾酒就是了.
土風舞版歌曲,張老師採用的是由 Harry Belafonte的專輯"Folk Songs with Harry Belafonte and Calypso with the Islanders"中的版本.此專輯介紹中說明,本歌曲為當地 島民所演唱,不是 Belafonte親自演唱.
"Folk Songs with Harry Belafonte and Calypso with the Islanders"專輯唱片封面:
1. And when the Yankees first went to Trinidad Some of the young girls were more than glad They said that the Yankees treat them nice And they give them a better price They buy:
和. Rum and Coca-Cola Went down Point Cumana Both mothers and daughters Working for their Yankee dollars (2X)
2. Ah, look, I had a little chick the other day But her mother came and took her away Herself, her mother and her sisters Went in a cab with some soldiers They bought:
和. Rum and Coca-Cola Went down Point Cumana Both mothers and daughters Working for their Yankee dollars
3. They have some aristos in Port of Spain I know a lot, but I won't call name And in the day they wouldn't give you a right But you might see them with the foreigners late at night Drinking:
和. Rum and Coca-Cola Went down Point Cumana Both mothers and daughters Working for their Yankee dollars
4. I know a couple who got married one afternoon And was to go Miami on their honeymoon But the bride run away with a soldier lad And the stupid husband went staring mad They bought:
和. Rum and Coca-Cola Went down Point Cumana Both mothers and daughters Working for their Yankee dollars