歌名:King of the Road 作詞:Roger Miller 作曲:Roger Miller 演唱:Roger Miller (1964年出版) 英文舞名:The flip side 中文舞名:大眾之歌 編舞:美國Ron and Maryellen Hays夫婦,西元1971年11月 土風舞音樂:弦歌唱片C.C.S.第1041集 (土風舞用的是演奏曲版本) 預備舞姿:雙人舞,雙圈,閉式舞姿,舞伴面相對.
這首歌名為:"馬路之王",舞名卻是:"唱片的背面"(意為非唱片主打歌曲).英文舞名跟歌名看起來毫不搭嘎,歌曲倒是還好,有歌詞在還可以弄得清楚歌曲內容的來龍去脈;英文舞名據編舞者說靈感是來自美國1970’s年代的一個電視音樂綜藝節目”威爾森的翻轉秀”(The Flip Wilson Show),然而青蛙老師找到威爾森的翻轉秀,看了10幾集的節目還是想不透這首舞名跟電視秀的連結到底在哪裡,真的是丈二金剛摸不著頭腦.我們還是按照慣例,就先介紹歌曲的來源再來介紹舞蹈吧.
Roger Miller說他作這首歌曲的靈感是來自於他有一天在路上開車看到路旁的穀倉貼著告示牌,牌子上寫著:"trailers for sale or rent"(拖掛車出售或出租),讓他聯想到四處漂泊的流浪漢,即使身無分文,一無所有,起碼他每天在馬路上遊蕩,整個馬路就是他的王國,稱得上是:"馬路之王"啦.
英文原文歌詞: 1. Trailer for sale or rent Rooms to let fifty cents No phone no pool no pets I aint got no cigarettes Ah but, two hours of pushing broom Buys a eight by twelve four-bit room Im a man of means by no means King of the road
2. Third bocxcar midnight train Destination Bangor Maine Old worn-out suit and shoes I dont pay no union dues I smoke old stogies I have found Short but not too big around Im a man of means by no means King of the road
3.(變奏) I know every engineer on every train All of the children and all of their names And every handout in every town And every lock that aint locked when no ones around I sing ...
4(同第一段). trailers for sale or rent... Rooms to let fifty cents No phone no pool no pets I aint got no cigarettes Ah but, two hours of pushing broom Buys a eight by twelve four-bit room Im a man of means by no means King of the road
結尾: Trailers for sale or rent Rooms to let fifty cents No phone no pool no pets I aint got no cigarettes Ah but, two hours of pushing broom