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2022/05/25 10:23:26瀏覽447|回應0|推薦1
這兩三年產業面對的問題是供應鏈的分崩, 瓦解, 中斷(disruption). 最近看到有幾個相關例句寫得不錯, 準備本週來用用它們.

1. Cisco stock tumbles after Q3 sales miss, as China Covid closures snarl component deliveries. Cisco 在(報告) 第三季營收低於預期之後, 股價下跌, 因為中國的新冠封鎖政策打亂了零組件的供貨.

2. Cisco forecasts softer near-term profits, thanks in part to supply chain disruptions that are holding back deliveries of key components. Cisco預測短期獲利會疲軟, 部分是因為供應鏈干擾, 延誤抑制了主要零組件的供貨取得.

3. Deeres second-quarter performance reflected a continuation of strong demand even as it faces supply-chain pressures affecting production levels and delivery schedules. Deere 的第二季表現反應強勁需求的持續, 即使它面對供應鏈的壓力影響到它的產出水準以及供貨/出貨的行程.

4. Looking ahead, we believe demand for farm equipment will continue benefiting from positive fundamentals in spite of availability concerns and inflationary pressures affecting our customers input costs. 展望未來, 我們認為(客戶對本公司)農場機械的需求會持續受惠於正向的基本面, 即便是(我們)供貨性availiability的憂慮和通膨壓力會影響到我們客戶的原料成本.

5. Demand for semiconductors has never been stronger or broader, while the industrys ability to fulfill this growing demand remains constrained by ongoing supply chain issues. 半導體產品的需求從來沒有如此強勁和廣泛的, 即使產業要滿足fulfill這個上升需求的能力, 是持續被進行中的供應鏈問題所限制住constrained.

6. A global shortage in semiconductor parts has gummed up chipmaking supply chains and hampered Applied Materials ability to meet customer demand. 全球性半導體零組件的短缺已經打亂了晶片製造的供應鏈, 阻礙Applied Materials去滿足客戶需求的能力.

1. snarl n.[C] 纏結, 亂結 She combed the snarls out of her hair. 她把頭髮的亂結梳理通.
vt. 使(線、髮等)纏結
vi. 纏結 I dont know why my hair snarls easily. 我不知道我的頭髮為什麼容易纏結.
2. delivery 是指貨物的運送, 不是單純的交貨. 如果是製造者開始交貨給客戶就寫, Manufacturers begin delivery to clients. 如果是公司收到貨, 就寫, The company takes delivery of goods. 單字很簡單, 但從英文翻成中文, 要特別小心什麼當主詞, 才知道到底是收貨還是出貨.
3. availability (名詞) 是指某個產品它的可供貨性, 被取得性. 這個字和delivery在供應鏈文章中是常用到.
4. gum up 搞糟, 搞亂 (比較少用到) Dont gum up the work by telling Mother what we are going to do. 別告訴母親我們要幹的事, 那會把事情搞糟的.
5. 再補上CCR的歌, - 午夜特快車. 大意是說早期在美國德州休士頓, 監獄裡的犯人相信, 深夜走過的一輛特快車, 如果它那永遠可愛(ever-loving light)的車燈光照到他, 就可以快得到自由了. :)

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