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評論 - 公司營運超越財測/預期
2022/05/18 10:51:22瀏覽244|回應0|推薦4
A. Procter & Gamble (P&G) topped Q1 earnings forecast, and lifted 2022 sales guide. “We delivered another quarter with strong sales growth and made sequential earnings growth progress despite significant and increasing cost headwinds,” said CEO Jon Moeller. 寶潔超越第一季的獲利預估, 並且調高2022的營收財測. CEO說: 我們交出了deliver另一個強勁的營收成長, 以及達成連續性獲利的成長進展, 雖然有明顯和上漲的成本逆風.

B. Procter & Gamble Co. posted stronger-than-expected first quarter earnings, while boosting its full-year sales forecast, as the consumer staples group sees firming demand and price increases that could offset rising commodity costs. 寶潔公佈比預期強的第一季獲利, 同時調高boost它全年的營收預期, 因為這個日用品集團看見增強中的需求, 而且它的售價調高price increase 可以抵銷上漲的大宗物資成本.

1. 五月初的同一篇文章中, 上面兩段都是在說寶潔第一季的業績比想像中要好, 超越財測, 只是作者用不同的寫法來表達, 所以我特別拿出來比較.
2. 平常說財測是用guidance這個字, 但是他是用guide當名詞用.
3. 第一段裡面有another(另一個)這個字, 表達"連續的"意思, 也是寫作時的技巧.
4. sequential 連續性的. 平常報紙新聞會寫說: 這間公司的季營收會連續成長, 或者逐季成長, 我就會用這個字, 很好用. 當然也可以用continuous, consecutive ...
4-1. The company will post a sequential rise in quarterly sales.
4-2. The companys quarterly sales will rise sequentially.

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