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2019/03/14 00:03:14瀏覽12386|回應15|推薦150 | |
我任職美商德州儀器(Texas Instruments,簡稱TI) 的同事薛爾門,今年一月出版了一本名為「最美的台灣(Ilha Formosa Taiwan)」的書,A4紙張大小的精裝本,質感高雅,100幅漂亮的HDR(高動態範圍成像,High Dynamic Range Imaging,簡稱HDR)全景高品質照片,編輯用心,印刷精美,加上十萬字中文,八萬字英文,精練的中英文雙語描述,適合國人,亦適合不懂中文的外國人閱讀;談台灣的書不少,說汗牛充棟不為過,但有些只是表象的行程、路線、名產等介紹,未觸及深層的歷史、文化等層面,有些只有照片及標題,甚或沒有任何解釋;這本書除了高品質照片,更有各地歷史、地理、地質、民俗等各面向深度介紹,國際化的視角,感性知性兼具,既是畫廊,也是書坊,其內涵,有如圖庫,更像智庫,值得向udn格友推介。
Ilha Formosa兩字其實是葡萄牙文,其中Ilha是島嶼,Formosa是美麗的,卽美麗島嶼;我們慣稱台灣為「福爾摩沙」,是被省略了,其實世界上還有好幾個地方也稱「福爾摩沙」,「Ilha Formosa Taiwan」才是「美麗的台灣島」。連橫的「台灣通史序」最後幾句是「婆娑之洋,美麗之島,我先王先民之景命,實式憑之」,以「美麗之島」來形容我們的美麗家園。薛爾門的「最美的台灣」,是他2009年,自任職33年的德州儀器退休,正是人生歷練最豐富,思想最成熟時候,加上長久跨國企業高級經理人歷練,所培養的國際觀,以近十年時間,「拍」我「美麗之島」,「寫」我「美麗之島」的嘔心瀝血之作。
薛爾門其實是他英文名字Sherman的音譯,本名程世清,來自雲林鄉下,1951生,主修電子科系,是不折不扣的科技人;2009年就聽過他想出這樣一本書的心願;固然我心裡長久以來,就希望有這樣一本,知性及工具性兼具的書,但當時心裡直覺,這要花費很大的精神欸! 只能說God Bless You ! 沒想到他劍及履及,馬上揹起相機,上山下海,走遍台灣大小鄉鎮,拍出百幅全台各地全景影像,再加上當地歷史、地質、文化等深度資料的蒐集,有疑問處還要請教相關專家,寫成中文,再加上英文,推敲精準的用字、用詞,尤其對我們而言,英文不是母語,難度更高;精神及毅力,令人佩服。
我們都是1970年代中期,加入德儀台灣廠擔任工程師,也算是台灣積體電路封裝測試業早期的工作者。在1960年代末期,當時荷蘭家電巨擘飛利浦(Philips),及半導體業世界第一的美商德儀,先後在1968年及1969年到台灣投資,分別於高雄楠梓及台北縣中和鄉南勢角,成立IC封測廠,是當時政府引以為傲,吸引外國直接投資(Foreign Direct Investment,簡稱FDI)的成功案例;德儀及飛利浦建元一北一南,是當時的南北雙雄,年進出口金額都居全國前十强的五、六名附近;所培養人才,之後不少也加入本國公司,開枝散葉;根據經濟部工業局資料,2017年台灣的半導體封測產值佔全世界的55.9%,居全世界第一,廠商達30多家,其實每一家或多或少,都可以看到這兩家公司的影子。
這本書其實挺有份量的,重達1.5公斤,拿起來沉甸甸的,大概不像一些口袋書,可以隨身攜帶;但很具欣賞及查閱的價值,絕對是國內外家庭、機關、公司及圖書館書架上很有用的一本書。以下為擷取自「最美的台灣(Ilha Formosa Taiwan)」的部份照片,及該景點中、英文描述的一小部份,讓格友對該書有更多了解。
▲龍洞岬 朝陽下的海崖氣勢磅礡,龍洞岬與鼻頭角隔著龍洞灣位於新北市的貢寮以台最好攀岩場馳名,也是一處喜好海釣的人,熱門又刺激的磯釣地方。 Longdong Cape The cliff looks awesomely magnificent with extreme dramatic under light of rising sun. Longdong Cape facing Bitou Cape on the opposite side of Longdong Bay locating along the coast of Gongliao, New Taipei City, is best known as a premier rock climbing yard in Taiwan, and a hot and exciting rock fishing site for people who love sea fishing.
▲基隆港雙虹 基隆港今天已成為多家世界知名郵輪公司指定的郵輪母港,2017年來台灣的郵輪數量破600艘次,旅客114萬人次,其中88%從基隆港進出。 Double Rainbow over Keeling Port Many world major cruise companies designate Keelung Port as their cruise terminal today. For the year of 2017, over 600 cruise carrying 1.14 million passengers to and from Taiwan where 88% via Keelung Port.
▲板橋天際線 從新北市政府大樓32樓看到的景色,照片裡前面左邊是有三萬人座位,色繽紛的板橋第一運動場,中紅色屋頂的大樓則是實踐國小。眼前的山稜線大景,正是台北盆地南方邊緣最令人屏息的天際線。 Banqiao Skyline Panoramic vistas seen from 32F of New Taipei City Hall, The colorful 30,000-seat Banqiao 1st Stadium is at left foreground, and a red-roofed high building in the middle is Shijian Elementary School. The ridge line vista in the background is the most breathtaking skyline of Taipei Basin on the southern edge.
▲雪霸峰巔 這道3900m高的雪霸巔峰,從層層山脈連稜後面的地平線拔起,高聳入雲,仿如君臨天下,其所構築的一座城市最奇特和夢幻天際線,出人意表,這種奇景,甚至在世界其他地方也很少見;照片最前面橫越而過的高架道路,是64號快速道路板橋市中心段。 Shei-Pa Summits This 3,900m high Shei-Pa summit with all the crests accentuate from the horizon shooting high into the sky as if reigning over the land underneath is the most dramatic and fantastic a city skyline one can imagine. This is even very rare in the world. The elevated highway crossing the foreground is part of Expressway 64 in central Banqaio.
▲蘭陽平原 這種由美麗河流,浩瀚的太平洋,奇特的龜山島,高聳的大山,到處翠綠或金黃(收割期)的稻田,所交織出來蘭陽平原平原地形的美景,在台灣是無敵的,在地球,也是世界級的。 Lanyang Plain The uniquely lovely picture interwoven by the beautiful rivers, immense Pacific Ocean, peculiar Guishan Island, towering mountains and verdant green or gold(when reap-ready for crop) rice paddies in everywhere make plain landscape of the Lanyang Plain second to none in Taiwan, on earth, world-class.
▲東澳灣 影像的中央是一大片平靜湛藍的水域,接近優美弧狀,灰白乾淨海灘的海水,則呈現碧藍和碧綠色,這就是東澳灣,-處位在宜蘭縣101km長海岸線的南端,擁有無敵的世界級海岸線美景。 DongAo Bay In the center of this image spans large calm azure sea water, but aquamarine and emerald near gracefully-arc pale clean beach under bright, shiny sky in light sky blue with a nimbostratus developing over the horizon, this is DongAo Bay, sitting at the southern end of 101km-long coast of Yilan County, DongAo Bay commands a world-class and nonpareil shoreline scenery.
▲六十石山 難以令人想像的奇景是,整座山好幾個山頭,平緩渾圓,都種滿金針花,沿著等高線,上千萬株的綠色草屬植物,沿著等高線,蛇行在海拔750m到964m不同的高度,隨著地形高低起伏的山坡上,並在花期高蜂,綻放滿山亮麗,橙黃色的花朵,形成花海。 Sixty Stone Mountain You will be hard to imagine the sea of flowers spectacular view of many flattened and rounded hills with entire hillsides and hilltops covered by daylily bursting into fiercely orange at the height of the flowering season with tens of millions green grass-like bushes snaking along the contour lines of different 750m~964m high hills that gently dip and rise in accordance with topography.
▲台中七期重劃區 除了美麗的大樓外,影像裡台灣特有種,大排兩邊已經變色的台灣欒樹,藍天與建築物在水裡的倒影,飛越的白鷺鷥,和整體暖色卻亮麗的黄光氛圍,在在讓這幅城市景象旣賞心悅目,又美麗動人。 7th Redistrict of Taichung Other than beautiful building, it is also due to endemic Taiwan golden-rain trees turning color on two banks of the ditch, blue sky and architecture reflections in the water, passing-by egrets, and the overall warm but bright yellow sunlight atmosphere that make this cityscape so pleasing as well as appealing.
▲聖稜線 高聳的聖稜一共有9座超過3,400m以上的山頭,各個山容互異,崢嶸危岩,斷崖峭壁,和兩處斷崖,蜿蜒如一條張牙舞爪的蒼龍或玉龍(覆雪時)。 The Holy Ridge The towering Holy Ridge featuring nine 3400m and above high peaks, two precipitous cliffs meanders like a green or white(when snow)dragon in a dancing pose. Each and every of these 9 peaks possesses its unique shape, different pose and dangerous situation of its own.
▲武陵農場紅粉佳人 這裡的櫻花,除了山櫻花外,最吸睛的就是紅粉佳人,超過萬株,樹齡20餘年,是中國櫻桃與日本昭和櫻人工混種的花種,是武陵特有種,紅粉佳人呈現的是非常迷人的粉紅色。 Pink Lady Cherry Blossom at Wuling Farm In addition to Taiwan cherry, the most attractive cherry blossom here called Pink Lady, an endemic Wuling species, amounting to more than ten thousand trees over 20 years old, is a successful mixed-breeding from Chinese cherry and Showa cherry of Japan. Pink colored Pink Lady looks just awesomely and charmingly pretty.
▲鹿港龍山寺 在台灣92處國定歷史古蹟中,中台彰縣鹿港鎮的龍山寺,一座十八世紀的佛寺,在藝術,建築與工藝上的精巧細緻,巧妙裝飾與高明雕琢公認是台灣寺廟的經作品,堪稱台灣第一古蹟。 Lukang Longshan Temple Among 92 national historic relics in Taiwan, Longshan Temple at Lukang, Changhua County in central Taiwan, a 18th century Buddhist sanctuary with exceptional delicacy, embellishment and sculptural excellence in art, architecture, and craftsmanship is recognized as the classical example of Taiwanese temple, and can be said to be No.1 relic of Taiwan.
▲玉山主峰 1857年,美國商船亞力山大號的船長W. 摩里遜,從台南安平港出海時,目睹並在航海日誌記錄下遠在98km外,白雪皚皚的玉山,因而當時西方世界都叫它為摩里遜山。日據時代時,日本人震驚發現,玉山竟然比富士山還高176m,而賦予它新高山的美名。 Yushan Main Peak In1857, Captain W.Morrison of USS Alexander logged the sight of snow-capped Yushan when departing Anping Harbor in Taiwan 98km away. Mt. Morrison by then was used in the West. During Japanese colonial era, by shock, the Japanes found that Yushan is 176m higher than Mt. Fuji and thus granted it the name of of Nitakayama( New High Mountain)
▲小琉球 小琉球的居民都說,圍繞在他們島四週的海水有七種藍,從水青,碧綠,碧藍,天藍,湛藍,鈷藍,到靛青,從這幅影像,你或許可以略知一二,這多種不同的藍是怎麼來的。 Little Liqui Island Resident of Little Liqui claim that sea around their island has 7 different colors of blue, they range from cyan, emerald, aquamarine, sky blue, azure, cobalt blue or even indigo, from this image you may be able to appreciate what all the shades of blue color look like.
▲台南公園 在台灣,只有幾座城市有百年公園,它們是建於1903年,歷史最悠久的是台中公園。另外,還有北投公園,二二八公園,新竹公園,嘉義公園,和台南公園。經過探訪這些公園,和其他城鄉公園後,作者認為台灣最有吸引力,最美的城市公園在台南。 Taiwan Park In Taiwan, there are only few city parks with over 100 years old. Taichung , being the oldest, was established in 1903 other than Beitou Park, 228 Park, Hsinchu Park, Chiayi Park, and Tainan Park. After visiting all of them and others, Tainan Park opened since 1917 turns out to be the most attractive, and beautiful park in Taiwan.
▲「最美的台灣(Ilha Formosa Taiwan)」,約A4紙張大小的精裝本,質感高雅。
▲「最美的台灣(Ilha Formosa Taiwan)」的最末頁。誠品書局、博客來、三民書局、田園城市生活風格書店、台灣e店等書店皆有售。 |
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