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法籍夫婦環球 揚帆到墾丁
2009/03/29 15:01:24瀏覽273|回應0|推薦0

引用文章法籍夫婦環球 揚帆到墾丁

How exciting retired life can be! I would say this is the best retired life I want to have, including travel, sports and above all, enjoying life in       different ways.

To realize it, money and health are two essential elements for planning. Without money, who would support you during the trip? Without health, how far you can go once setting off? Thinking of these, I have to say    this French couple is respectful and adorabble.

Dream big and work hard! Make full use of each day to build the dream on fruits of industry, and feel no regrets every moment we close our    eyes in the middle of night.

( 休閒生活雜記 )
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