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2012/12/13 04:22:00瀏覽1017|回應5|推薦44 | ||||
埃及Al Khayal Visual Art 12月號有一篇埃及資深藝評家Hasan Osman寫的文章,是對我仍在開羅CSA 「天下一家」個展的畫評。Al Khayal Visual Art是目前埃及唯一發行的藝術月刊,由埃及文化部出版。
"CECILIA FENG" 一位令人讚賞的藝術家
Cecilia Feng 生於台灣,台大文學院修讀文學。畢業後,她去了西班牙,在薩拉曼卡藝術學校修習藝術。之後,嫁給埃及籍的吉米雪哈先生。爾後,又在美國新奧爾良美術學院進修藝術。她始終對人類價值保持髙度的關懷,也一直努力關注著這領域裡的現實情境。
她的作品曾在臺灣、 巴基斯坦、 沙烏地阿拉伯、阿聯酋、馬來西亞、美國、中國、韓國、越南與澳大利亞等多國舉辦個展或聯展。此次終於在埃及開羅的Maadi 區中心 (CSA)舉辦繪畫個展。
最後,這位持有埃及籍的畫家,她在油畫、 壓克力、 水彩創作上展現的成就與能力值得我們關注與欽佩。
我冀望Cecilia Feng 能加入埃及藝術家協會的行列。尤其是,她在一些國際藝術展中,以一種傑出的方式代表著埃及。
Al Khayal Visual Art 12月號封面 我的藝術網站www.ceciliafeng.com -----------------------------------------------------------------
"CECILIA FENG" An Artist Who Deserves Appreciation
The artist Cecilia Feng started by studying literature at her original country at the National University in Taiwan. After graduation, she went to Spain to study art at the art school in Salamanca. After marrying her Egyptian husband, Mr. Gamal Shehab, she continued her studies at the Academy of fine art at New Orleans. She kept her admiration to the human values and keeps trying to see thing at its true dimensions and boundaries.
Her creativity was displayed at her joint and solo exhibition in Taiwan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Australia and finally in Egypt at the Maadi Community Center (CSA).
The last exhibition included expression of several painting addresses the human causes regardless of its sources and varieties. I was taking by a painting representing an Egyptian in the middle of the composition and behind her a group of peace icons of birds and flowers. It did not escape her imagination the pyramid shape. The head was included in a pyramid shape. As if she wanted to represent the strong ties between the Egyptians with the old Egyptian history. In another corner of the exhibition she displayed nine painting representing the human feelings. All the eyes express a kind of tiredness and exhaustion at different stages of life. The painting number seven carried the title of “Hope”.
The second part of the exhibition represents still life of vases and flowers. She created them as creations during her teaching art in the countries she lives and worked in.
Finally, the naturalized Egyptian artist deserves the attention and admiration for her ability to create art in oil, acrylic and watercolors in addition to her interest in pottery.
I wish that Cecilia can join the Syndicate of Egyptian Artists. Especially that she carries the Egyptian nationality and she exhibits her works at international art exhibition and she represents Egypt in a distinguished way.
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