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2013/12/11 11:07:44瀏覽990|回應8|推薦38 | |
我這個出生在台南的台南人,說來真有點慚愧,竟完全不知台南鬧市中藏著這處寧謐的島嶼-「吳園」。虧我年輕時還在吳園前的公會堂址上的 社教館學過一陣子國畫,卻從沒發現過那一片悠然。「吳園」-三級古蹟,距台南火車站咫尺,和大遠百彼隣,鬧區中一塊大隱之地。清道光年間,鹽商吳尚新販鹽致富,蓋出一座豪華園林,精美華麗位居台灣四大園林之首。日治時期因無法抵擋日本政府壓力,吳家不得不出讓此地成為日本政府宣導政令於民的集會塲所-公會堂。光復後,國民政府收回改為文教中心-台南社教館。
心靈的島嶼-國際藝術家聯展 Islands of the Mind
此次展出很高興邀請到多位國際著名的藝術家;如埃及國寶級繪畫與雕塑大師Hassan Osman、美國UMKC劇場設計大師John Davis Carroll、俄羅斯畫家兼國際藝術聯合國教科文組織協會成員Elena Berezina、北京電影學院現代媒體學院傅靖生教授等,都是首次到台灣展出,以及馬來西亞繪畫與雕塑大師王耀麟、澳洲好友Fay Salmon、Bridget O'Leary、台灣吳金原、戴禎英、莊雅棟老師等,共7個國家19位藝術家參展,其精彩的藝術創作與深度內涵,讓此次的展出更加豐富與多元。
Islands of the Mind – International Art Exhibition
To the universe, the earth is merely an island
Tiny but full of vitalitiy, wisdom and passion to search for the aletheia
To the life, spirit is merely an island
Silent but full of energy, perseverance and composure to breed us for the splendid moment
Taiwan is an island though, people who live here always have open arms to warmly welcome visitors from everywhere.
People like to discover the mystery over the world and the colourful scenes from life to feel the touch of heart. An international exhibition always gets sparkling while artists have dialogues by their artworks.
I’m very honored to invite so many well-known international artists to participate : Hassan Osman, master of painting and sculpture from Egypt; John Davis Carroll, master of theatre design from UMKC, USA; Elena Berezina, member of art Unesco; A Hfu, professor of Beijing Film Academy, China. It is their first time to show their artworks in Taiwan. Heng Eow Lin, master of painting and sculpture from Malasiya、Fay Salmon, Bridget O’Leary well known artists from Australia; Wu Chin-Yuan, Tai Chen-ying, Chuang Tom, well know artists from Taiwan. The exhibition includes 20 artists from 7 countries, their wonderful and profound artworks enrich this exhibition.
Thanks to Tainan City Cultural Bureau and Kinmen County Cultural Affairs Bureau, and the help of Collaborative curators Cecilia Feng and Carin Wu. We thank God for his blessing for making this event preparation gone smoothly in a short time. We feel the warmth and the passion of art from every mail from each artist participant. This is the power that encourages us to go forward. We would like to share the pleasure and the artworks with you.
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