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當自閉症凝聚天賦於一個中心時 -- 卓越的才能, updated @9/18/11
2011/07/19 21:59:32瀏覽724|回應1|推薦0
六月底紐約時報(New York Times)和電子電機工程學會(IEEE)非學術論文的會刊各有一篇不尋常的報導。In 9/17/11,  紐約時報 published another related article, which i appended to the end as #3.

this posting is prompted by   2011年自閉症覺醒日~從心認識自閉症.
i would find time to add an excerpt of chinese translation in later day.
for now, i hope blogger friends could directly read these 2 english articles.

1. For Some With Autism, Jobs to Match Their Talents

When Sonne set up Specialisterne, he took an unusual tack: he decided that, rather than pursue business by appealing primarily to corporate responsibility, or by offering low-cost labor, he would position his consultants as superior workers and charge premium rates for their services. This approach, which is clearly limited to a subset of people with autism, seems to be working.

To date, the company has hired 35 people with autism to work as consultants for other companies, and is now training 46 others. Perhaps more important, its model is gaining momentum. Sonne has been contacted by people from 60 countries who want to adapt the work locally. He has expanded to Iceland and Scotland and is planning to spread to a half dozen additional countries within the next few years, including Poland, Germany, Ireland and the United States. Specialisterne has also inspired a similar Chicago-based non-profit called Aspiritech.

2. The Autistic Hacker

Asperger's syndrome is a form of autism.

People with Asperger's are often highly intelligent, and many have an accomplished understanding of complex systems, causing researchers to study a possible link between autism and engineering.

3. Autistic and Seeking a Place in an Adult World
New York Times published this unusually long-form article in 9/17/11.
Please read a side bar on the left hand side: 

Are You Autistic, or Close to Someone Who Is?

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2011/07/20 23:47

企業的確應更負社會責任 而非一昧追逐獲利與名聲

亞斯伯格症候 這是我近幾年才有印像的精神疾病  聯網這裡似乎也有網友遇此症候

ben 邯鄲學步中(bendelphi) 於 2011-07-22 00:18 回覆:
thanks for your comments.
in this coming weekend, i would use "mon-tien" chinese writing device to make this posting more accessible for readers.