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china TV programs I recommand
2016/12/10 10:21:25瀏覽223|回應21|推薦0
动漫:秦时明月 still my favorist.
秦时明月之百步飞剑 夜尽天明 诸子百家 万里长城 君临天下
天行九歌 荆轲外传 空山鸟语 帝子降兮 罗生堂下 天外天——忆天雪剑秋之死
画江湖之不良人(唐亡-五代) quite good
择天记 very interesting
墓王之王麒麟决 not bad
三剑豪之半面人 it's OK
I hope china 动漫 makers can create all of our dynasties stories including 旧石器 新石器 古国 方国 帝国.
I read 女娲成长日记 novel, not bad.
As I said our long history is very priceless could cerate many excellent and interesting 动漫s.
Just heard about 网剧《法医秦明》的热播 , I'm glad to hear about it. I watched many detective shows including British, Franch, Italy, German-Italy, and usa(unfortunatey I hardly like comparing with British and Franch).
I always wonder when I can see china made detective-related(we did have famous ancestors stories but seems stopped not continue, or lack of good writers/re-writers).
大汉天子(汉武帝)--very good
花千骨--can't say I like ...childish
朱雀记 庆余年 间客 将夜 --very good
女娲成长日记--quite interesting
白鹿原---too busy not yet finish
蒙古族 德德玛 乌兰托娅 降央卓玛  央金兰泽 云朵 格格 诺尔曼 布仁巴雅尔 --my favorist 草原之歌
彝族歌手曲比阿乌 彝人制造妈妈 南彝组合阿依妞妞  阿也龙龙原唱彝族山歌
阿木 吉杰祝酒歌  阿果
ROC/taiwan 周璇 邓丽君 蔡琴 费玉清 --unfortunately taiwan is lack of 草原之歌-type
( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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2017/04/13 03:32

东周列国 :春秋 and 战国史诗大片

1骊山烽火--unfortunately failed can't watch
9宋襄公仁义大旗 楚成王齐孝公
10骊姬乱晋 晋献公申生奚齐
11羊皮换相 秦穆公百里奚
12择君图报 秦穆公晋惠公夷吾晋文公重耳
13重耳励志 晋文公
14重耳返晋 晋文公
15文公成霸 晋文公
16罪哭崤山 秦穆公
17赵盾弑君 晋灵公
18赵氏孤儿 晋景公
19一鸣惊人 楚庄王
20庄王治楚 楚庄王
21霸主余韵 楚庄王 战国齐国田单乐毅
22崔庆之乱 齐后庄公
23晏婴相齐 齐景公

24高山仰止 鲁国孔子
25逃出昭关 楚平王伍子胥
26专诸剌僚 伍子胥吴王僚阖庐
27三约伐楚 伍子胥吴王阖庐
28掘墓鞭尸 伍子胥吴王阖庐
29会稽之耻 夫差勾践
30勾践灭吴 勾践夫差

战国--unfortunately no 字幕, hardly knew what's going on. I wish china TV programs can solve  字幕 problem. 春秋 and 战国 are the most difficult portion for students, however thru TV programs could help a lot.  many trditional operas programs also lack of  字幕 that's part of the reason can't maintain.  字幕 is very important for so many chinese in the world.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-21 23:22 回覆:

优酷专辑【东周列国志(春秋篇30集+战国篇32集)共62集 】全集收集(...有字幕)

--very good. I saw many people asking for 字幕, 春秋就有字幕, 战国 I spent many days to search until yesterday found it in 黎先许的博客 and he got pmany eople supporting, I also gave him "like", unfortunately I don't have "golden pen" otherwise I defineitly give him one.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-21 23:33 回覆:

wish in the future we can swatch 夏禹 商汤 周朝 and even 上古时代 movie/动画.


经典电视剧,大赞!!! 今年暑假前有个群里的小伙伴就给大家分享你的这篇链接,当时就连夜下载了,很喜欢,趁放暑假有时间又看一遍,后来找链接找不着了,今天各种百度终于搜到了原博,立马分享,嘿嘿反正挺喜欢看的,之前对东周列国志只是粗略看过,印象不是太深刻,看完连续剧,整个都连起来了

好东西哦~  我最近也开始看了~





蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-09-15 13:00 回覆:






  (本报记者 韩业庭)

--indeed, hope all 古籍s be 数字化 and built many links so can easy search the same "words".

2017/03/21 09:01

卧薪尝胆         春秋吴国和越国 
大秦帝国         战国秦国
大秦帝国之纵横 战国秦国
芈月传            战国 惠文王 秦昭襄王
大秦帝国之崛起 恢弘再现帝国振兴史
秦始皇            中国历史上首位皇帝
楚汉传奇         汉高祖
大风歌            汉文帝 恢弘文景之治

--I'm quite busy watching china history related TV opera programs, they are very good!!

I thought after watching 秦时明月 series I won't watch other than 动漫s but I was wrong because  those TV opera programs quite good and learn more our ancestors stories I didn't know. in the meanwhile by baidu searching ... I hope more students in china, in taiwan thru watching china TV opera programs to become top class... If I were young student today my history score would be very high.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-21 09:07 回覆:
I'm willing to pay china TV programs fee chargem but I don't know how to register in usa. I wish the company can organize to make a list by sequence.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-09-29 09:39 回覆:

楚汉传奇 汉高祖

大风歌   汉文帝 恢弘文景之治

汉武大帝 雄才伟略万古英风

东方朔  汉武帝 ---very good and funny 

2017/03/01 13:42

专家:我国网络安全专业人才缺口达70万 每年递增1.5万人

--Aaaa recently when I watched china TV shows, too many usa adv. invaded, sometimes I even can't read china news without problems all caused by usa adv.

2017/01/03 10:17

台跨年晚会“星光黯淡”? 台网友:A咖全在大陆 ...【环球网综合报道】昨天(2016年12月31日)是年度狂欢的跨年夜,台湾各地均举办了精彩活动,邀请艺人开唱。不过许多台湾网友发现,今年晚会“星度”淡了不少,台北场被吐槽“没认识几个”,..更有台湾网友说,这几年越来越多大咖往大陆跑,干脆直接看对岸节目比较吸引人,“我家看不下去,改看江苏卫视!看到JJ(林俊杰)、周华健、蔡依林、林志玲”、“我要去看大陆的直播了”“对岸电视制作费预算超高,艺人趁当红的时候多赚点钱也没什么”、“大陆演员阵容超强”、“一样是演出,去钱给得多的地方不是很正常吗”。

--it is china can treat taiwan people as their people but taiwan narrow minds can't treat china people as their people. I bet many high quality  大陆演员s also interest visiting taiwan even less pay but can they come?

2016/12/27 07:30


--I watched, too much usa style. hope dig out our chinese style. in china we still existing maintain well antique houses area and residents, if possible make films there. if you watch French, British, other europe countries detective shows then you know why antique houses area so attractive and important. 

2016/12/19 07:38
I hope one day I can see a china company organized all history-related shows and by 旧石器 新石器 古国 方国 帝国 history timing sequence. I'm willing to pay the fee. 
organized index and sequence can remind and encourage talented writers writing those not yet created stories (especially those 算学 天文 预测 古华夏星宿...) , and it is also good for people review our ancestors stories.
my history scores just pass 60+, onlt those made me proud I would get quit high scores, the worst is 五代十国,六朝,ROC and those dynasties ending period time especially 清末.

2016/12/19 07:37

I hope one day I can see a company organized all history-related shows and by 旧石器 新石器 古国 方国 帝国 history timing sequence. I'm willing to pay the fee. 

organized index and sequence can remind and encourage talented writers writing those not yet created stories (especially those 算学 天文 预测 古华夏星宿...) , and it is also good for people review our ancestors stories.

my history scores just pass 60+, onlt those made me proud I would get quit high scores, the worst is 五代十国,六朝,ROC and those dynasties ending period time especially 清末.

All parents should let their kids knowing some are not true but you can find the truth.

2016/12/18 08:56

--Good questions. I wonder the Italy detective show writer could create a new one.
same as 蓝可儿 "abnormal" died in usa.


--张父 may not know, you have to fight for JUSTICE and G8 countries love violently type dislike polite type. And I believe 留学生 know how to protect their life during 游行.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-18 09:03 回覆:
蓝可儿手机 still not found and case closed because the local police dept. running out money and/or got strongly pressure as the hotel links usa military-related advertisement.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-19 07:57 回覆:
中国女留学生在意大利遇难案两名嫌犯被抓获 ..意大利安莎社报道,两名嫌疑人住在离移民局不远的移民和流浪者聚集区,其中一人20岁,有犯罪记录,另一人未成年。警方认为还有第3名嫌疑人,此人有可能逃离意大利。..案件发生后,中国驻意使馆高度重视,多次约见相关单位,敦促意警方尽快查明有关情况,抓捕罪犯并绳之以法。旅意留学生、当地侨胞也非常关注此案,要求意警方加快调查进度,查明案情,及时抓捕并依法惩处涉案人员。
--pity 蓝可儿 as Canadian didn't get any Canada government help. however 蓝可儿-related website this year still got people including me attention...I post my opinons and wish her family be strong.

2016/12/18 08:27

影评人观《长城》叹“张艺谋已死” 收出品方警告函...“张艺谋已死”并无诅咒导演本人之意,而是指他的艺术生涯已死,之后详细指出了他眼中《长城》角色苍白、故事无趣的缺点,并在文末强调自己对影片的“黑”或捧都不涉及利益,祝张艺谋重回艺术巅峰。...乐视影业发出的一封警告函,声称“亵渎电影”已经损害了张艺谋的名誉权,要求其删除相关微博,并道歉。...

--From my point view, there is no need to 发出的一封警告函--don't blindly worship usa ways.

as politicians, movie stars/makers.. 人物 should have broad minds face any kind 评价 unless it is malicious, blackmail... in another side such  评价 may attract more people watching it, don't you know some movie stars on purpose created "news" to attract people pay attention to them.


--you see my husband ordered 满城尽带黄金甲 CD and he likes it, I enjoyed but now I prefer 秦时明月 画江湖之不良人 择天记...动漫 and hope 动漫 maker can put our 兵马俑 in their 动漫人物. not always too handsome, dolls face type. most foreign countries detective 人物 you could see quite common face, fat shape, older but each one has special characteristics.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-22 10:28 回覆:
影评人片方为《长城》开骂 文艺繁荣需有健康批评...文艺批评,是对文艺作品进行的思想审视和艺术评判,是批评家和创作者、批评家和作品受众进行理念探讨、心灵交流的方式。口诛笔伐、唾沫横飞,动辄报之以人身攻击,显然失焦跑偏。健康的文艺批评应该是什么样的?一方面,批评者的立意应该是真实客观,态度应该是与人为善,原则应该是对作品不对人,风格应该是尖锐而鲜明;另一方面,文艺创作者也要胸怀雅量、虚怀若谷,乐于接受“戳痛处”的批评。


--in the past  got feeling if you want your movies on usa market then you have to black china and/or chinese ancestors otherwis you hardly can allow. even today when my husband showing those free china-related must made by this and that 獨s focus on black china officers. when I found out I told my husband I won't watch even it is free. After I can watch china TV programs thru internet and found quite good but no english title for my husband.

I hope china people knowing that and I hardly watch taiwan/HK made published in usa because I don't let 獨s humilate us.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-22 10:53 回覆:


--in the past the environment quite pure, the clients are all chinese. now is more complex especially those movie-makers want to publish in usa market too. I didn't watch can't say whether it is better than before(black china officers and our ancestors), if it did that's good, you can't expect immediately make it right but gradually improve. However I love 秦时明月 because can see many chinese culture elements.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-22 10:59 回覆:
秦时明月 --hope soon has english title so I can verify whether my husband has no problem to watch it and how he feels like. Most time he told me he understood. but myself watch usa made and europe made, I need english title and watch 2-3 times repeatedly. chinese culture is much more colourful, deeply 哲学思想 and many 生活信条.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-22 11:14 回覆:

《长城》被指缺少深度思考 因好莱坞工业套路深? ..《长城》是张艺谋耗时3年打造的作品。讲述了古代一支中国精英部队为保卫人类,在长城上与如洪水般袭来的怪兽饕餮展开生死决战的故事。影片上映前一天,片方和演员包场邀请大批媒体和业内人观看,强大的公关下,影片收获赞誉无数。16日正式上映后,《长城》口碑遭遇断崖式下滑,不少微信大号都给出调侃般地差评,称这部电影缺乏思考,剧情单薄。其中“严肃八卦”认为该片就是“古装奥运会开幕式”,而景甜饰演的鹤军首领拯救了苍生。“毒舌电影”则一针见血地指出,《长城》最大的问题是没有人性。

张艺谋曾凭借《英雄》开启了中国商业大片模式,其中甄子丹与李连杰意念打斗的戏份至今看来仍是经典。然而,同样是大制作的《长城》为何缺少深度的思考呢?--my husband bought 英雄CD and we like it.

在接受媒体采访时,张艺谋提到自己只是从中国人角度对故事重新润色,“大方向不改,他们的标准产品还是要完成的。你改天换地,人家不干”。(《长城》剧本在交到张艺谋手上时,已经由美国团队打磨了7年。) “那是好莱坞的叙事套路,他们不会去考虑你的文化,而是按照套路去拍一个东西,保证能卖钱。对那个套路稍微有点陌生的,他们就会本能地排斥。”

电影里,全军点燃孔明灯哀悼殿帅的场景令人眼前一亮,然而这个画面竟然是张艺谋据理力争才得以保存。 “美国人看这个情节无感,几次要拿掉,但对中国人来说这是一种仪式感,是一种精神,是在长城上守边关的家国情怀。我们后来在映前测试上专门就这个问题问过国外观众,结果他们很喜欢,说这就是张艺谋的风格,像奥运会。”

--no wonder it is made by usa as I said itself short history no 文化 can't have 深度思考 this is why I hardly watch usa made detective shows but British, French, German-Italy even Italy...and other europe countries.  usa is quite shallow. couple days ago a sales visited us and when we told him we moved from Naperville, he can't believe it. if it is not the current house has over 100 years history attract me I would rather move to other states to stop the weird things happen to us.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-22 11:32 回覆:


--All I can say is as chinese spend money on other better ones such as 秦时明月 type to encourage high quality movies, let 张艺谋 makes money from americans or other counturies. we really need high quality ones, it already too many 爆米花商业电影s. Indeed china people maynot know any china-related is very hard been allowed in usa. I hope soon I can see other countries cooperated with 张艺谋 make high quality.

2016/12/18 07:41

japanbastards control usa 好莱坞 for long long time but never heard 伯尔曼 against it. do you know who kills usa  好莱坞? japanbastards!

--I didn't know until my nephew whose majored in 动漫 and tried hard to work for usa movie maker even his teacher strongly recommanded him to japan company-Sony( worked one year?).. but didn't give him any chance, and he works for toys company in the end.

my taiwan company's sold one department to japan company I knew very well how suffocated culture japanbastards are, I'm not surprised saw taiwan became unbearable low class cultures by dirty LDW type created.

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