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希望玄机能越做越好,支持国漫! waiting for 秦时明月之第六部 and hope many 外传s
2017/12/01 05:02:51瀏覽93|回應3|推薦0

动漫:秦时明月 still my favorist.
秦时明月之百步飞剑 夜尽天明 诸子百家 万里长城 君临天下
天行九歌 端木蓉特别篇(医者入世) 荆轲外传 空山鸟语 帝子降兮 罗生堂下 天外天(忆天雪剑秋之死)

--the only i watched them repeatedly without boring. still wish can watch  天外天 again9can't find any more). 

i love 天行九歌 very much. hope  帝子降兮 can continue, and expect more 外传s creators.

i felt so happiness that every weak enjoy 秦时明月, rest of time watching 《百家讲坛》, reading chinanews, searching in baidu... keep myself very busy. so glad born as chinese.

thanks to CHINA many top 2 classes make my retiring life so colorful.

hope to see more and more chinese elements in 动漫s...

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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2019/02/02 03:56

just read chinanews about British sky TV showing british people ancy nirvana in fire (琅琊榜) so i texts my spouse and he found it in youtue and also very like and enjoy it.
i'm so happy for him especially during the freaky cold snowing winter...too cold to go outside not even safe shopping but all days stay home.

just give him 秦时明月 english name-Qin's moon or the legend of Qin" hoping 玄机 has english version. i always worry he has nothing to watch, reading as usa so short history. i have many yers not even watch usa any tv programs but either watching china TV programs or reading china pople's novels ...history related is my best, then wu-kung relted.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-02-02 03:56 回覆:
my spouse told me he found Qin's moon with english subtites. i am really glad and told him that he would know china better. i hope he can get rid of usa rotten policiticans full mouth liars to black china by all means.
due to Trump's malicious liars he also impacted and scare to visit china that we supposed together with my 2 brothers burry mom's in shaingei tomb and temple with my father( he visited both  in 2000 with me, mom and my mom sister's husband) . even i tried to convince him china won't so stupid catch and send him into jail.
Americans are brain-washed by their rotten politicians very easily because short history so their history-IQ is very low.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-02-02 04:05 回覆:
this is why Trump hate chinese becayse we re too smart due to our longest history recording in the world.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-02-02 04:35 回覆:

recently just after text him about 琅琊榜 english name, i told him  if has 2nd life i still want to be chinese, born in china. because we have long history recording that can give us many valuable gits.

i'm very busy without feel boring like my spouse frequently because so many our ancestors related can kill time after retied.

I'm so lucky and very proud to be a chinese.

2019/02/02 03:07

2019年02月01日 来源:新民晚报 记者 方翔 乐梦融【编辑:左盛丹】

--still waiting the new 第六部 and other 外传s. i like history related the most.

2017/12/01 05:15


赤剑传奇? 莫麟传奇?

--i would say 秦时明月天外天--忆天雪剑秋之死, from my memory it has 秦时明月 style but not sure whether it is the same story.