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6/28/2024 一天使用下来简直无法忍受 WIN11 真的不适合年长的我的类型--撰写/采集大量数据文件, 非常注重文件管理的人
2024/06/30 04:45:33瀏覽6|回應0|推薦0
WIN11 是适合年老先生的类型-天天看视频, 什么都不清楚, 不知道, 不了解, 一问三不知 一点自信心都没有 当然被迫工作到69岁他 的确可以躺平. 2 years later(69) can i 躺平? very unlikely if masters wars continue and investment keep losing money.
even i told myself what happened to our previous neighbour old lady who let her daughter manages her money (ATT pension/401k in stock market ends lunch meals ate potato balls with breads since 2013(that i saw in person) then sold her house in 2022 urgent) it definitely happen to us. Better assume those invest money not existing, not belong to us but masters for their wars funds.

对 WIN11 讨厌到达极度 cant but searched "can use windows 10 notepad in windows 11"
i succeed make it work then worry and searched "will MS kill win10 notepad"
the screen showed NO, MS would keep the plain notepad...
but both not popped up what i read earlier when i tried copy/paste here now.
i remember 1. window settings, apps, advanced app settings select app execution aliases then set notepad "off". ps correct: 6/30/2024 any use win10 notepad new files still
auto became win11 notepad. as usual any "solution" would be killed.

in fact as usual i turned off all of them except firefox that not sure any side effect if off. because i only have (win11) 8GB memory, when didnt do anything but turned on machine (ctrl-alt-del) memory usage high to 75+%. most of MS apps i didnt use at all.
ps i also uninstalled Microsoft onenote-en-us but it auto-returned back same as other posted uninstall function didnt work at all. i would say none MS embeded apps allowed uninstall permanently.

2. i already saw many apps terminated by MS and for that i refuse to use any new or similar apps including MS embeded. why waste my time to learn and write data files or else then in the future those efforts totally wasted not even can open those data files i created. ps 6/30/2024 not encourage young kids stop learning we are seniors and too busy
in usa (which lack of long history IQ government cant do jobs in better ways)
dealing many kind daily problems.

haaa my cpu down to 65%, i would try hard to stop as many processes as i could to make cpu down to 40%. why i do that because can make battery life longer. ps 6/30/2024 just firefox,notepad,task manager cpu from 65% high to 70-75%

ps CIA 网络战的重要武器黑客工具库“宝库7号”(Vault 7)


6/29/2024 12:30pm the battery 89% down to 69% not charging (showing

battery save) and MS continue updated, no way stop it. it seems every day MS

updated. did MS tried reinstalling all then reinstall all history updated or else?

1:35pm battery down to 40% cant but turn off. i really believe MS tried kill win10

​ users.

the question is: win11 is commercial-type product not for me-type serious users.
frequently change screen contents, i cant but use win10 notepad in stead win11
weird notepad confused me a lot. looks like fancy but totally is a junky design.
file explorer worse than win10 which already messed up. i hope back to MS DOS
with improve size/addresses .. limits problems.
--7/1/2024 got a solution to stop win11 notepad auto open other files by:
open notepad (or any notepad data file) on top showing: edit view and gear
click gear, click when notepad starts, select open a new window
all existing notepad data files would auto become single tab in stead multiple tabs(files)

ps win10 i can easily copy/paste from udn blog to 360doc blog my papers vice verse now
win11 got serious problems, have to manual adjust texts margins. more hate win11.
there are more such as mouse cursor disappeared, frequently change screen layout...

just felt MS try very hard not hold screen steady but playing magic games----五光十色

6/30/2024 my suspect win10 update everyday and try hard to kill battery by not
charging problem. it happens to others... from Anonymous poster as below :

Windows 10 updated and now, my battery is quickly being depleted. Why did this
happen and is it fixable outside of buying a new laptop or battery?
Originally Answered: Windows 10 updated and now my battery is depleting faster.
Why did this happen and how can it be fixed?

OP here.
Quora(the website he posted), what do you want from me? I edited and changed the
question ten times now, and somehow you’re still saying it’s grammatically
incorrect or not a complete question or too reliant on the question source???
Anyways, Windows 10 updated for me again tonight after updating about four days
ago. My battery, around thirty minutes ago was at a 100% (I kept it on the charger
while it updated), it finished updating, took me to my home screen and then, it said a
program failed (did not specify which, but nothing was loading and I couldn’t get my
menu bar to pop up), and blacked out my screen. I had to force shut it down, turned
it back on.

It re-updated (took me back to: “Please wait while we update. 100%.”), and
everything loaded, but my fans sounded like they were barely keeping my laptop alive. I restarted, the fans settled down, and my laptop, understandably, went from 100% to
95%, within five minutes, dropped to 83% and is now at 74%. So, it’s dropping faster
than it usually does (earlier today, for example, it took four hours before it reached
20%, another hour and a half to tell me that my battery was going to die).

I always keep my battery on battery saver, 0 brightness (easier on my eyes anyways),
and don’t use a lot of apps aside from Discord, Chrome, and Microsoft Word. I only
have maybe five tabs on Chrome. And my laptop is only a year and a half old, and in
super well kept condition (aside from a lot of stickers, but stickers are cool).
So, how can this be fixed? Can it be fixed? Is this just a glitch? I sorta can’t afford a
new laptop, nor a battery but I need my laptop to survive my hour and a half or so
classes because they’re all writing based and using my charger isn’t always in
option in some of the buildings.

-- that is the way usa is when you point out/describe the problem you suffered, you
hardly can succeed if your words "irritate" the BIG Boss behind. i was ATT forum
member but not any more after i posted data breach related they shut down my
account this year.

everyday it worse and worse just tried to copy win10 important file folder before battery been killed. it took a while and not charging battery down to 23% after 100% copied then found didnt reality copy to my chip at all and didnt show any error warrnning/message. it also cant shut down but by HW forced shut down. why so maliciously did this and that? Master wars turn indoors users into enemies or win11 not welcome or else ?
All signs showing Baiden wont be elected because too many people suffering invest money loss, kill win10 battery,...this and that. why MS so in urgent doing this before election in stead after (MS supporting ends in October 14, 2025)?
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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