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2016/09/27 16:15:04瀏覽1651|回應0|推薦31 | |
1965 “Sound of music”大成功. 50年後的2015, 薩爾茲堡等著靠影片紀念大賺一筆,住在德國Mehlweg 的某人卻嚇壞了,因為經許多粉絲推演,這裡是opening scene地點。
此回再訪Salzburg, 最大的收穫是這張"布告"。目前"擁有者"不讓遊客進入他的私有地!在我們把Mehlweg衛星定位好後,這張公告不准我們踏出道路,啼笑皆非之餘,覺得很欲蓋彌章,哈! 但我們其實從Salzburg機場開往Mehlweg一路入山,真是美不勝收。想像Maria 在這裡唱完” The hills are alive”後,瞬間移動到Salzburg 的修道院,太強了!
Opening scene(The hills are alive)確切地點一直是個謎。奧地利也放了組雕像說在薩爾茲堡湖邊….但此一說法後被打臉, 網路不太好找了。經過ABC電台求證後: 1) Mehlweg in southern Bavaria ( 有美國名記者Diane Sawyer照片) The actual hill used in the movie is in Germany, not Austria, on land, which, at the time, was privately owned by farmers. Today, it is owned by a famous mountain climber, who is reluctant to let outsiders onto their property, but granted permission to ABC News and 20th Century Fox. Fifty years after the movie was released, Sawyer traveled to the famous hill to try to recreate the movie’s iconic scene. 2) Wikipedia : The opening sequence of Maria on her mountain was filmed from June 28 to July 2 at Mehlweg mountain near the town of Marktschellenberg in Bavaria. 一切都與The Trapp family 有關。他們經歷請見wikipedia. 1949 Maria Von Trapp 寫了”The Story of the Trapp Family Singers”, 催生了《真善美》等電影。 但她最悲切真實的陳言是起初那打鴨子上架、為小孩兒接受的婚姻。她還是只想當修女。” on her wedding day she was blazing mad, both at God and at her husband, because what she really wanted was to be a nun: "I really and truly was not in love. I liked him but didnt love him. However, I loved the children, so in a way I really married the children. I learned to love him more than I have ever loved before or after."(Wikipedia). 1935年他們的歌聲("Trapp Family Choir")就受到奧地利歡迎,1938逃離後,因為經濟狀況不好,在美國與加拿大唱歌賺取生活費。
我不知道《真善美》你/妳最愛哪一首? 於我,最重要的是”The hills are alive”以及”Climb every mountain”,最煽情的則是”Something good”. 因為與事實不盡然符合,卻很動人。其實這首唱的地點就是I am 16 going on 17 的Pavillon 與宮殿花園。 所以電影中景點參訪,我們挑了”The hills are alive”(德國) 以及下列網頁的前四處 那時才小學低年級,據說哭哭啼啼示威好再看,最後總共看了三遍。家很窮,應該就在已經消失的國際學苑低價看的。 總之,在薩爾茲堡,到處都有Sound of Music”Hop and off bus”. 重點不外: http://www.salzburg.info/en/art_culture/sound_of_music/shooting_locations 1. The Benedictine Convent on Nonnberg: “Maria”, 也是院長唱”Climb every mountain”之處, 用雙腳走上去吧! 請見最下方地圖就在城堡Festung Hohensalzburg (Hohensalzburg Fortress, 1077)旁,城堡常在電影中看得見,但是需要分開走並未真正相連。下面圖中往上走的是修道院,望下走的則是城堡路,有點陡。上城堡則可以搭電車。Nonnberg並不對外開放,但是找得出院長能對著遠山唱出”Climb every mountain”的地點,朝遠山的樓房,想像一番。。
2. Mirabell Gardens and Mirabell Palace: Maria and the children sing Do-Re-Mi 有Do-Re-Mi fountain 與Do-Re-Mi stairs. 此宮殿較近位簡直是人擠人,加上川流不息的自拍、合拍,覺得言過其實。 Do-Re-Mi這首歌全曲從山上(應該也是opening scene處)一直唱到在市中心搭馬車,再騎腳踏車沿河從兩排樹林往真正的Von Trapp house去。所以在Salzburg一定要騎騎腳踏車(本人只能騎青少年用的)…….可到真正的Von trap Villa & Pavillon.
3. 真正的Von trap Villa: 目前好像求售中,去時是當學生暑假宿舍,好像也當旅館,實則電影並未在此拍攝,而是後面所提的Leopoldskron Palace, Frohnburg Palace。 但是其他兩處拍攝房子較不便參觀,看真正的房子也比較有意思。而這條路騎腳踏車很舒服簡易,老公買了個套子把手機導航架在腳踏車上,近年來反而比較受歡迎。
回程時,夕陽漸起,遠方是城堡,一陣風起, 遍地白花的草地忽然飄起陣陣棉絮,逆光中閃閃動人。 風稍歇,我忙著拍照,風再起,又是一陣亮眼的棉絮包覆住身體與目光。
4. The Sound of Music Pavillon: can be found at Hellbrunn Palace today, in the movie it was still located at Leopoldskron Palace. One of the most famous and romantic scenes was filmed here: I am 16 going on 17, ”I must have done something good” 騎車到達此處時,如果你只是想看Pavillon,請從向著黃牆左手邊第一個門進入,就在入門右轉處,不必跟著一堆帶著孩子的去買票(分配時段與導遊) ,玩Hellbrunn Palace的"薩爾茲堡大主教"水遊戲,耗時間外,必須忍受某些國家很能接受的對觀眾噴水的戲碼。第一次被噴時,根本來不及保護相機。
雖是個有歷史的夏宮1613–19,且有全世界第一個會動的水力娃娃屋(上圖),以莫札特唐喬凡尼引誘女僕歌曲: "Là ci darem la mano"為背景音樂。這些Trick fountains當初是為了討好娛樂大主教,現在好像是遊客在娛樂導遊。
5. Felsenreitschule (Rock Riding School): the Trapp Family performed its farewell song / Baron von Trapp sang Edelweiss, 就在距離薩爾茲堡音樂節大廳不遠處,也用於節慶音樂表演。若想進去看可參加導覽,持Salzburg card可打折www.salzburg.info/en/sights/salzburg_card 個人覺若能在節目表演時進入,燈光效果才會讓它更美…想去但沒時間, 好可惜因為同時間在三個音樂節間跑(Salzburg, 蘇黎世, 拜魯特) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felsenreitschule https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felsenreitschule#/media/File:Felsenreitschule_2013_02.jpg 6. Residenz Square and Residenz Fountain: Maria crosses Residenz square in a bus on her way from Nonnberg Convent to the Trapp Villa singing I have confidence in me (前半)è 這個有去但沒照(缺廣角), 這首歌我很喜愛!(即便這種自我打氣歌, confidence很阿Q) 7. St. Peters Cemetery: the dramatic flight scenes (Petersfriedhof), 沒去但有空應去。下回吧。 https://adcochrane.wordpress.com/2014/01/20/the-prettiest-cemetery-in-the-world/ 這網頁有許多圖 (From wilipedia: The Petersfriedhof was probably laid out during the foundation of the monastery about 700. The burial ground was first mentioned under the rule of Archbishop Conrad I in 1139, with the oldest preserved graves from 1288 and 1300. It is centred around Lathe Gothic St Margarets Chapel and the Chapel of the Cross, dedicated about 1170 and refurbished as a mausoleum according to plans by Santino Solari in 1614/15. Several tombs are located in arcades built at the foot of the Festungsberg hill. The cemetery grounds are known for its catacombs carved out of the conglomerate rocks of the Festungsberg. They probably date back to Late Antiquity, when they served as an Early Christian place of assembly andhermitage. The include two chapels dedicated to Saint Gertrude and one Christian martyr Maximus by Archbishop Conrad of Wittelsbach in 1172 and 1178.) 8. Leopoldskron Palace: the façade facing the lake represented the von Trapp residence面湖側房子正面,電影中Maria 和孩子狼狽划船上岸處 (http://www.salzburg.info/en/sights/fortress_palaces/leopoldskron_palace ) 9. Frohnburg Palace: courtyard and main front were used as a backdrop I have confidence in me (後半....目前是莫札特大學宿舍做為Von Trapp家大門)
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |