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2006/04/26 04:08:42瀏覽5208|回應4|推薦82



雖然脫離了羅馬教廷,英國人顯然還是很不喜歡這種"太陽神"說法--專程拜訪聖殿教堂那天,教堂公告週四有場收費3英磅的教長演講「談小說達文西密碼」,而它的網頁直接建議購買「達文西騙局」(The Da Vinci Hoax )一書與DVD 。


當年整個泰晤河沿岸的聖殿區是「聖殿武士」(The Knights Templar )所購買置產,等於是聖殿武士的總部。聖殿教堂算是皇家所屬,Master(教長)由上議院的大公爵擔任,先蓋了圓頂部分,哥特式的聖壇區則在一世紀後補蓋。

14世紀初聖殿武士組織因十字軍失敗被法國王Philip四世逮捕消滅,逼迫教廷解散聖殿武士,英王Edward二世把聖殿給了醫院騎士團(Knights Hospitaller,成立於第一次十字軍東征後),又被轉租當法學院(Inn)。教堂Master由「內、中聖殿區」二法學院供養。


On April 20, 2006, ABC's Good Morning America ran a profile on the Knights Templar as part a series on secret societies. Robin Griffith-Jones, Master of the Temple Church in London - a noteworthy Knights Templar historian - criticized the Knights' portrayal in films such as Kingdom of Heaven as being bloodthirsty, pointing out that though they were warriors, they primarily wanted to keep peace and that they respected Muslims, even to the point of having warm, friendly relationships with them in some cases.In fact the Knights Templar often petitioned for peace with the Muslims, unfortunately this led to them being accused of cowardice and such, leading the Knights to have to convince their detractors otherwise with new acts of bravery in battle.

■個人對聖殿武士的興趣其實來自『傅科擺』(Umberto Echo),一本好過"達"書百倍的符號學大作。

圓頂的羅馬氏藝術(Romanesque,英國稱為Norman architecture)教堂建築是11,12世紀相當常見的型式,聖殿教堂便是此一時期的產物。又因教堂由十字軍成員「聖殿武士」(The Knights Templar )所籌建,更仿照了耶路撒冷的聖墓教堂(Church of the Holy Sepulcher),它是由君士坦丁大帝(313年首將基督宗教定為國教的皇帝) 依當年耶穌埋葬與復活原址所建造。總之和太陽神(希臘羅馬神話)是無關的!

下面是教堂聖殿網頁針對『達文西密碼』的聲明:In reality, it is generally believed that the round shape of the Temple Church was patterned after the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, which the Knights Templar were responsible for guarding during the Crusades. There is no evidence it had anything to do with either the Pantheon in Rome or worship of the sun. (And the more traditional chancel was added only a half-century after the Round.) There are three other round churches in England, including one in Cambridge.

類似的圓頂教堂,在劍橋也有個漂亮的The Round Church,站在圓頂之下仰望光線自小窗曲折而入,是種與歌特氏高聳而彩亮的大教堂完全相異的穹蒼,圓融、穩重,彷彿神愛溫柔堅定的目光。因為不收門票,兩個教堂,我都恭恭敬敬心甘情願地奉獻了!



(劍橋The Round Church)

(聖壇, 中庭)

(圓頂牆壁的鬼臉, 武士衣冠冢)




「聖殿教堂」唱詩班Tempe Choir 1927 因錄製孟德爾頌Hear my prayer等聖歌一砲而紅(見下youtube)。可惜,當時的管風琴也在1941被德軍炸壞了。




Mendelssohn: Hor mein Bitten ( Hear My Prayer) 羔羊經

“Hear my prayer, O God, incline Thine ear!
Thyself from my petition do not hide.
Hear my prayer, O God, incline Thine ear!
Thyself from my petition do not hide, Thyself from my petition do not hide!
Take heed to me!
Hear how in prayer I mourn to Thee, hear how in prayer I mourn to Thee, hear how in prayer I mourn to Thee!
Take heed to me, take heed to me!
Without Thee all is dark, I have no guide, I have no guide, no guide, without Thee all is dark, I have no guide, I have no guide.
Hear my prayer, O God, incline Thine ear!
Thyself from my petition do not hide, Thyself from my petition do not hide!
Hear my prayer, O God, incline Thine ear!
The enemy shouteth, The godless come fast!
Iniquity, hatred, up on me they cast!
The wicked oppress me, Ah where shall I fly?
Perplexed and bewildered, O God, hear my cry, O God hear my cry!
O God hear my cry, perplexed and bewildered, O God hear my cry!
O God, O God, hear my cry!
The enemy shouteth, the godless come fast, perplexed and bewildered, O God, hear my cry!
O God, hear my cry!
O God hear my cry, perplexed and bewildered, O God, hear my cry.
O God, hear my cry, O God hear my cry, O God, hear my cry!
O God hear my cry!
My heart is sorely pained, within my breast, my soul with deathly terror is oppressed, trembling and fearfulness up on me fall, with horror overwhelmed, Lord, hear me call, Lord, hear me call!
With horror over whelmed, Lord, hear me call!
O for the wings, for the wings of a dove!
Far away, far away would I rove!
O for the wings, for the wings of a dove!
Far away, far away, far away, far away would I rove!
In the wilderness build me a nest, and remains there forever at rest.
In the wilderness build me, build me a nest; and remain there forever at rest, In the wilderness build me a nest, And remains there forever at rest, and remains there forever at reast, and remain there forever at rest…

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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2006/05/30 22:12




2006/04/26 17:06

Good bye !

我知道您認識,Gimini(禕文,稻柏臨) 天才 果稱 師兄.....

........我看到您到  "阿蘭若" 處的推薦了.....



這些日子以來,對不起您和   稱 師兄......


2006/04/26 12:36
下次一定試, 等我把這罐250g的Twinings 早餐茶喝掉後....呵

身為咖啡狂, 我比較喜歡和Z一樣在"自己的午後"有茶與好友相伴, 而不是在公共場所"買優雅"~~在英只於劍橋喝過一次真正的下午茶, 還是因為天冷受不了.....真是不能優雅的倫呀.....

2006/04/26 12:24

TWININGS名氣在台灣較響亮, 原本也是T的愛用者, 自從10多年前喝過 Fortnum & Mason 後, 立即倒戈, 獨鐘F&M! 雖然這家英國最古老的"甘仔店"(1707在Piccadilly開店, 兩位老闆就是姓Fortnum跟Mason那兩位--Fortnum是當年Queen Anne的宮僕,而Mason是Fortnum的房東. Mason因皇室對雜貨需求而與房東創業開店,透過與皇室的關係飛黃騰達至今!)

F&M跟T差別在於F&M較濃郁, 尤其是F&M的早餐茶(English Breakfast Tea)之類. 純個人口味喜好罷了!

最划算的鋁罐250公克裝,一天兩杯左右可以喝上一年半載. 從早年3.50英鎊喝到現在要5.95英鎊!