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Nina Simone, 一個無法讓我有理由自憐的女性
2018/04/21 00:44:06瀏覽3491|回應0|推薦27

2016電影”Nina”Nina Simone, 因為演員波多黎各裔Zoe Saldana長得不夠mulatto(黑白混血)而飽受黑人批評。畢竟Nina那張 ”The High Priest of Soul” 的面容,對於許多追隨者而言,除了搧動性的大將之風,也必須帶著強烈的原鄉滋味。

當王寶祥教授課堂上從黑人女作家Lorraine Hansberry的劇作A Raisin in the Sun”(老師說: 如黑人版的"推銷員之死")延伸提及 Nina Simone時,我才恍然大悟電影開始不久便出現的畫面背後意涵,NinaLorraine身旁演唱她的詩作”To be Young, Gifted, and Black”, 並稱她為”My muse”…..兩位非裔才女都掙扎於性別、族裔的歧視中,並且投身甚而帶領抗議的潮流!

我們的西洋文學閱讀時常被英美歐洲主流文化帶著走,英國衛報2017有文章自省著”How many Man Bookers must writers of colour win before they’re accepted?”,足見這樣的現象依然存在。幸而我們並不受限,具有更多擁抱色彩的可能!(https://www.theguardian.com/…/man-booker-writers-colour-pri…)


Black is the color of my true love's hair
His face so soft and wondrous fair
The purest eyes
And the strongest hands
I love the ground on where he stands
I love the ground on where he stands

[Hook - Nina Simone ]
Black is the color of my true love's hair
Of my true love's hair
Of my true love's hair

[Verse 2 - Nina Simone ]
Oh I love my lover
And well he knows
Yes I love the ground on where he goes
And still I hope that the time will come
Still I pray that the time will come
When he and I will be as one

[Hook - Nina Simone ]
Black is the color of my true love's hair
Of my true love's hair
Of my true love's hair

( 創作繪圖 )
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