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2010/04/06 23:33:21瀏覽662|回應0|推薦0
Do you like picnics?Why or why not?
Yes, I do. Especially with my good friends or my family.
Once time, my best friend ,Linda, invited me to watch a show after our work at night.
We didn't have enough time to buy any food for dinner, so I asked my mom to back food for us. She agreed. We met in front of 中山堂 in Taichung, and enjoyed our delicious food before the show began.
It was a windy night, the wind blowed our face, we have a happy chat. After dinner, we went inside the biulding to watch the show for 2 hours.
I think it was the best time at that night, even better than the show.

Let's Talk in English 4/2的內容在討論Easter(復活節),最後的Question of the Day出了這題:Do you like picnics?於是我想到有一次我跟好朋友去看舞台劇(我不會舞台劇的英文),我們在開演前在台中中山堂前面吃便當的情景,感受很不一樣,很開心。只是我在想一個問題,野餐一定要是白天嗎?如果晚上在外面吃便當就不算野餐的話,我就得重新回答這個問題了!哈!XD


( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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