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《南傳法句經》第 51-52 


故事為鄙人摘譯自 K. Sri Dhammananda 長老主編的英文版 The Dhammapada,添枝減葉若干。


  《法句經》第 51-52 偈講同一則故事,強調知行合一的重要。有意思的是,領銜登場的主角不但見了國王不起身,還拒絕國王的請託。這位膽敢犯上的傢伙究竟是何方賢聖?話說舍衛城有位名喚察德般尼(Chattapāni)的居士,是佛陀的信徒,已經證得二果。某次他在祇園精舍聽佛陀說法時,波斯匿王(Pasenadi)正巧來訪向佛陀致敬。察德般尼沒有起座,因為他認為若起身,可能會被認為是向國王而不是向佛陀表達敬意。國王視此為侮辱,非常惱火。佛陀自然曉得國王的不快,趕緊向他稱讚察德般尼不但德行高尚、還嫻熟佛法。聽了佛陀的說明,國王不由釋懷,並對察德般尼留下深刻的印象。




[巴利原文與英譯取自 Nārada 長老編譯的 The Dhammapada


051 Practice Is Better Than Mere Teaching


Yathā’ pi rucira puppha

Vaṇṇavantaṃ agandhakaṃ

Evaṃ subhāsitā vācā

Aphalā hoti akubbato



As a flower that is lovely and beautiful but is scentless, even so fruitless is the well-spoken word of one who does not practice it.



052 Practice Is Better Than Mere Teaching


Yathā’ pi rucira puppha

Vaṇṇavantaṃ sagandhakaṃ

Evaṃ subhāsitā vācā

Saphalā hoti sakubbato



As a flower that is lovely, beautiful, and scent-laden, even so fruitful is the well-spoken word of one who practices it.













註釋主要依據: A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R. C. Childers;

Pali-English Dictionary, by T. W. Rhys Davids and W. Stede


Yathā: (adv) as, like; how, when

Api, pi: (part.) also; even; though; merely

Rucira: (adj) beautiful, brilliant, agreeable

Puppha: (n) a flower

Vaṇṇa: (m) color; appearance, complexion; luster, splendor; beauty; kind, sort; caste; timbre of voice, accent; praise a letter, vowel, syllable; quality, property

Vaṇṇavanta: (adj) beautiful

Gandha: (m) odor, smell, scent; fragrance, perfume

Agandhaka: (adj) devoid of perfume, scentless

Evaṃ: (adv) so, thus, in this way

Bhāsita: (pp. bhāsati) spoken, said

Subhāsita: (adj) well-spoken, well-said

Vācā: (f) word, speech

Phala: (n) fruit, grain, crop, produce; result, consequence; reward, profit

Aphala: (adj) without fruit, unproductive, barren, unprofitable

Hoti: to be, exist, become

Kubbati: [= karoti] to act, perform, make, do   ppr. kubbanta, kubbaṃ: doing, performing   [gen./dat. kubbanta] kubbato   neg. akubbato

Sagandhaka: (adj) fragrant

Saphala: (adj) bearing fruit; having its reward





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