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2014/06/03 12:26:05瀏覽1203|回應22|推薦75 | |
殤 祭 (天安門國殤百日紀祭 ) ( VIII )
安息吧! 眾英魂。 對於你們的慘死, 我們深感悲憤。 各地的華僑及留學生, 這包括港澳兩地的同胞, 都舉行了空前規模的抗議遊行。 並開萬人、十萬人的群眾大會, 為你們追悼, 對他們聲討。 在自由國土上的政府與同胞 更視此事為國殤, 為你們下半旗致敬並致哀。 各國政府及政要, 對於中共, 也齊聲譴責, 並意予制裁。
安息吧! 眾英靈。 你們的血不會白流, 生命也不會白犧牲。 你們爭自由爭民主的奮鬥精神, 已激勵起海內外的每一個中國人。 全世界的人們也都認清了一個事實: 共產黨徒掌權或不作改變, 就永遠不會給人民自由及人權。 極權專制與民主法治 不可能和平共存長期相安。 一個政府在自己的國土上 屠殺自己的國民, 又再度暴露了共產黨的真形像。 自由世界又一度認清: 赤手空拳向野獸挑戰, 其結果常是非死即傷。 只有槍桿子才能壓制槍桿子, 要勝利必須要有武裝力量。 只有教育才能使人改變。 不經過學習與檢討, 難使人言行正當。 除非我們能結束或改變共產黨徒, 全人類將沒有永久和平的希望。
安息吧, 眾英烈。 我們會踏著你們的血跡, 完成你們的志業! 動員全世界的中國人, 聯合全世界愛好自由的人; 為消減共產主義, 推翻專制政權; 為建立一個民主法治的新中國, 建立一個自由幸福的大同世界; 勇往直前, 直到實現! 寄語共產黨的頭子們, 不要再圖掩飾與欺騙。 瘡疤是越蓋越顯眼。 謊話是愈說愈會穿。 更不要繼續追殺與株連。 撤除爪牙並網開一面。 怨恨是愈積愈深, 憤怒會越壓越反彈。 要為自己留條後路, 請別走絕路。 為兒孫留塊福田-- 不是禍田。 上天會順應民意與正義。 歷史無長命的殘暴政權。 試觀你北方及東歐的友伴, 亦足可作為殷鑒。 請捫心自行檢討, 是與非當即可判斷。 能改過永不嫌晚, 如遷善成聖也不難。 趕快從人民頭上爬下, 向人民低頭交權。 相信我們會心慈量大, 不追究你們的從前。 若頑固執迷不悟, 仍逞兇作惡多端, 自作孽決不可躲, 因果報當不會遠。 到那時, 人民將齊起奮戰。 登上天安門, 推翻你們的暴政亂團! 奪回他們的政權與人權! 在那時 你們將淪為罪犯。 押下天安門, 接受人民的正義審判! 償服你們的血債與罪愆!
後 語 此詩原為該事件之百日祭詩。 選擇於其二十五週年公佈於世, 以提示人們不要把此事忘記, 以利正視歷史檢討過失改正步履。 時隔多年事過境遷, 有些思想語言已不合時宜。 為保持原樣不失原義, 不願予以改變或加以修輯。 寫詩不是紀史, 部分詩辭或有不盡符事實。 因史實被掩蔽, 只能就吾人所知力求符合事實。 雖然中國仍由共產黨一党專政, 但其共產主義已經改了姓, 以適國情世情民性市性。 繼任的各代主政者都非常英明, 能接受殷鑒並改變作風, 也都十分愛民勤政。 中國人被蒙蔽會短暫失明失聰, 或因一時不察而失慧失控, 但是本性仁愛和平。 任何新人主政都不願折損英名。 衡智衡勢相信此等事情, 永遠不會再度發生。 完美的政體與富國的根基, 原本只是些口號與畫餅, 聽起來滑稽刺耳頭痛。 經過一番改革與全民力行, 現在卻變成了鐵的事實。 怎不令人震驚!尊敬! 既然中共新政已改弦易轍: 對外實施王道推廣普世和諧。 對內力克貪腐力求富强平等團結。 因此我贊成忘記仇恨並寬恕罪孽。 不要再搞造反改朝殺伐流血。 我們何必繼續折磨自己? 我們受不了再來這些! 大家共享和平繁榮, 續創中華偉業! ☆ ☆ ☆ ========================================== 英文原詩附後, 並請批評指正。 The Sacrifice
The hundredth-day sacrifice for those martyrs, who were massacred, at Tiananmen, on June 4, 1989. ( VIII ) Please repose, You heroic souls. About your tragic death, We are very furious and sorrowful. The Chinese people and students abroad, Including those who are in Hong Kong and Macao, Have organized ever enormous mass rallies, and unprecedented scale of protest marches, To commemorate and console you. To condemn those who killed you! Government and people Living on our country’s free part, Have lowered their flags at half-mast, Saluted and mourned you as national martyrs. Governments and peoples Of most parts of the free world, Have also condemned the communists, even intended to impose sanctioning measures. Please rest in peace, You brave human beings. Your blood was not shed in vain, Lives were not sacrificed for oblivion. Your fighting spirit for liberty and democracy, Awakened every Chinese, at home and overseas. People of all the ethnics now also know the reality: If Communists continue in power, or remain unchanged, They will never give freedom and human rights to people. Autocracy and democracy cannot possibly coexist in peace. One can massacre one’s own people on one’s own land, Once more revealed the communist’s real color. People of all the nations now discover, Challenging the beast bare-handed, The result is a disaster. Only the gun can repress the gun. Without armed force the war cannot be won. Only education can change a person. Without learning and review cannot rectify one’s wong. Unless we can alter or terminate the Communists, There will be no permanent ease and peace for the entire mankind. Please retire in calm, You courageous martyrs. We will follow your foot marks To accomplish your unfinished tasks. Mobilize all the Chinese people on earth, Join with the free people under the sun; To exterminate the communism, Over throw the despotism, To establish a democratic new China, Build a harmonious new world, We will go bravely forward Until they are all done. Now, a message to those communist chiefs: Do not continue to disguise and deceive. The more you cover your scars, The more you show them. The further you tell lies, The further you disclose them. Do not continue to capture, And pick-melon along the creepers. Remove your minions and nets, Destroy your shackles and fetters. Anger and hatred may accumulate, Soon be an explosive powder barrel. The tighter you depress the spring, The mightier they may rebound back. Choose a road or route you can divert or retreat; Not a course of no-return, a way leading only to tragedy. Leave to your own descendants a land of happiness and harmony, Not a country of awful disorder and painful misery. Heaven always goes along with justice and the will of people. History never gives long life to any tyranny. Look at your comrades in the north and in Eastern Europe. Aren’t they clearly enough as an augury? Place your hands over hearts, well contemplate it please. You should know which is right, which is wrong. It’s never too late to correct one’s mistake. It can be even holy to turn around. Climb down from people’s heads. Bow to hand over your power to them. I believe we all can be kind and lenient, No one want to liquidate your past crime. If you are too stubborn, still stupid, Continue to be cruel, further more to do evil; You can’t escape the punishment of your own deed. The retribution will come soon – it’s inevitable, indeed! At that time, People will get up and fight! Ascend and occupy Tiananmen, To over throw your regime, Get back their power and rights! By that time, You will become criminals! Be escorted down Tiananmen, To accept people’s just trial, Pay for your gory debts and crimes! ☆ ☆ ☆ ====================================== After Words This poem was originally written for a sacrifice ceremony, on the event’s hundredth day. Here by I publish it on the event’s 25th anniversary, So to prompt people to remember the massacre, face the history, review our mistakes, and correct our future measure. Many things have changed after all these long years. Some thoughts and words maybe no longer appropriate. In order to retain its original meaning and manner, I prefer to keep this poem as it was composed. This is poetry, not history. Part of the words maybe not agree exactly with facts. Due to historical facts are tightly cloaked So I can only write it as closely as possible to the information I can know. Although China is still under the communists’ one party dictatorship, Its communism has changed its name and nature, to accommodate Their personal, national, and international condition.
They can accept the lessons and change their fashions, Diligently benefit their people, rebuild their nation. Chinese people may be temporarily blinded and transiently deafened, Naturally they are loving, peaceful, full of compassion. Any new leader won’t wreck his fame if he is placed on the position, Considering the social wisdom and national situation, I think this kind of thing will never happen again. Excellent political organization and foundation of a rich nation, Originally was only a projected cake, a propaganda slogan, Sounded funny, irony, harsh to ears, painful to brain. After some drastic reforms and hard works of the all the citizens, Now they are turned into a dramatic and solid realization. What an astonishment! My sincere admiration! Since the Chinese Communists have changed their previous policy: Promote universal harmony. Internally extinguish corruption, Exercise unity, equality and prosperity. So I am in favor of forgetting our hatred and fury, As well forgiving their felony and error. No longer to struggle and slaughter. Why do we continue to torture ourselves? How can we endure those things once more? Let us mutually enjoy peace and prosperity, Make our country civilized and vitalized even more!
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( 創作|詩詞 ) |