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一文搞定動名詞 GERUND 的意義與用法
興趣嗜好偶像追星 2024/06/05 22:02:34

                       一文搞定動名詞GERUND 的意義與用法

     動名詞,顧字思義,就是由動詞變來的名詞,其作用與一般名詞相同,可作為句中的主詞與受詞用。一般名詞用在句子中當受詞用時,其前面通常加上 To 字,動名詞亦同。

     在句子中用了 to 字後,我們常本能或習慣的在其後面加上動詞。其差別或奧妙處在於我們要表達的是句中主詞對(to)某事物的感覺、意願、作用、關係,而不是意謂將/會採取或發生什麼動作,所以應該加上動名詞。下面例句說明了此中原由。


We are looking forward to seeing you.  對與你相見的盼望

The father’s reaction to seeing the son’s passing the test. 看到兒子通過考試的反應

The soldiers are committed to defending their country. 軍人對保護國家的𠄘諾

The mayor is devoted to keeping the city safe. 市長對保持市區安全的致力

President Biden says no to sending F16 to Ukraine· 總統對送F16 的反對

The CEO is open to discussing the company policy. 總經理對討論公司政策的公開


This is a guide to archiving good life. 指南對長壽的作用

The engine is essential to moving the automobile. 引擎對車子的作用

This is the key to solving the problem. 對解決問題的鑰匙

This is the secret to living longer. 對長壽的秘訣


This library is dedicated to honoring the late president. 圖書館與已故總統的關係

He admitted to making the mistake. 對犯錯的𠄘認

This is the upside to having an old president. 對 選上年老總統的看法

When it comes to making decisions, he hesisted. 對作決策的態度


一文搞定動名詞 GERUND 的意義與用法
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