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2019/05/26 12:54:28瀏覽174|回應0|推薦2 | |
我這一生 沒有怨 也沒有恨 喜我之所喜 愛我之所愛 一步一腳印 每一次的相聚都是永恆
春去秋來 花開花謝 生生不息 如今 天已明 雞已啼 我就要從容離去 請不要為我悲泣
把悲傷還給悲傷 把塵土歸還大地 明天 我是陽光 是清風 是細雨
青山依舊 人去樓空 紅塵我留愛 願君多珍重
Sojourn Through LifePoem by Kuan, Una Tang Translation by Kuan, Teh-Soong
In this Life Regrets, remorse I have none Love what I love Rejoice in what I rejoice
Every step, every footprint, every encounter It’s everlasting
Seasons come and go, flowers bloom and fade Life is eternal
Morning has broken, the roaster has awaken I’ll depart in grace
Weep not for me, for tomorrow I’ll be the gentle breeze, the light drizzle
Let sadness be Let ashes return to mother earth
Mountains and rivers are still the same Only the house is now empty
Love and tenderness have I left behind For you to cherish |
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