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2020/12/03 17:22:34瀏覽90|回應0|推薦0 | |
If someone is not diligent in the practice of the precepts concerning what is to be done and not to be done, he will, as a result of his downfalls, sink progressively from the human condition to that of an animal, and lower and lower from one state of misery to another.Suffering will be his lot. **不放逸品,不只指向積極的生活的態度,更多的是對於什麼該取,什麼該捨的抉擇;如果模糊了這些界線,人將不再是人,因此朝向更低層次的路,痛苦會接踵而來.... **入菩薩行提供了一個最好的自他保護的生活方式. |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |