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2020/10/23 00:11:51瀏覽115|回應1|推薦2 | |
**渡 Shantideva concludes by praying to become the best of guardians for those who are wretched because they are powerless, unprotected, and unimportant. He prays that he might be a sovereign guide for travelers on the road, merchants, and the like. For those who wish to cross the water, he prays that he might become a fine raft on rivers of medium size, a large ferry on great waterways, and a bridge across little streams. 寂天菩薩祈禱他們成為無能為力,沒有保護和卑微可憐人的最佳守護者; 他祈禱自己可以成為旅途中的過客,以及商人的可信靠的指南; 對於那些希望渡河的人,他祈禱自己可以成為中等大小河流上的細緻船筏,廣大水道上的巨型渡輪以及橫跨小溪的橋樑。 |
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