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遊學手札十【YMCA Camp Round Meadow 2】Arts and Crafts與Leather's Creed
2008/08/20 17:26:35瀏覽453|回應0|推薦4

Camp中有一座馬場,我們Cabin13去騎馬時,看到了一些野馬,教練說牠們沒被調教,太危險了,還不能騎,免得騎師摔下馬。 Shocked 

終於開始騎馬了。我原以為是在附近山谷自由騎乘,沒想到竟然是教練帶頭排成一列在林子裡走十來分鐘,既單調又無趣。 Sleepy 


Camp中Arts and Crafts是我最喜歡的活動,可以盡情發揮創意,做出自己喜歡的東西,沒有主題限制,素材多多多!我用lanyard編了一條有足球精神的黑白zipper pull。在Arts and Crafts,我做了五條,很大方的送掉了四條。因為我們拿到了我們的rag或 leather,我以zipper pull為立志達成目標的隊友祝福。


The Leather Society is a program for younger campers who desire to try to work towards certain goals. The challenges are symbolized by leather emblems worn around the neck.

The Triangle is the first leather to be taken. The three sides of the Triangle stand for body, mind and spirit, forming together the strongest geometric figure known to man. The challenge is to begin to become aware of oneself and feelings.

The second leather is the Square, symbolizing the "four square life." Each side represents one facet of that life: physical, mental, social, and spiritual.

The Circle is the third leather and stands for the feeling of brotherhood and universal friendship which the camper should strive for.

The Golden Circle is the fourth leather and is a symbol of re-dedication and commitment to the goals of the triangle, square, and circle. The Golden Circle recipient is also invited to assist the counselor / CIT during leather ceremonies.

The Leather Society is not a "Junior Rag Program" and should be interpreted as a separate set of challenges better suited to helping younger campers begin to work at things like being better friends and being more in tune with their families and home life.


Physically, it is a piece of triangular cloth - with one of the 7 specific colors indicating the progression in challenges. A Ragger's emblem is affixed at the apex.

The Rag is a challenge. It is given only at camp, but it is a counseling device that must carry over into post-camp living if it is to have maximum value. Young people need to realize that Christian idealism and right living are character qualities that all should possess the year round, not just at camp. When a camper receives a Rag, he should be challenged to become a better person. He/she should be inspired to make camp better for all campers and this inspiration should be taken back to school and the community. The Rag is not an award. It is not something the campers can win or earn. It is different from awards for achievement which are given in athletics and competitive activities. The Rag is a counseling tool and a challenge.

The Rag is not a ranking program. One Rag is not higher than another but the challenges build upon the previous Rag challenge. Rags must be taken in order. The unique part about the program is it doesn't matter what age you start because your maturity and depth of understanding dictate an individual meaning to you. No two Rag challenges are alike. It is very special to each individual. A Ragger's feeling of the Rag experience cannot be easily put into words.

老師說,Leather的精神,不只是表現於營隊,離開營隊之後更要徹底執行。至於要如何拿到Leather,則是要在Spirit, Body ,Mind 都要一貫的執行自己立下的目標,並執行Leather's Creed:

  "I will strive to grow,

    by keeping my body healthy and clean,

    by keeping my mind open and free,

    by letting my spirit guide me,

    I will strive to do all three,

    because each is equally a part of me."


( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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