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遊學手札十一【Camp Round Meadow 3 】pine cone
2008/08/26 23:19:42瀏覽361|回應0|推薦3

Pine Cone Dedication is a special program offered at the end of the camp. Before the event, campers pick up a pinecone and keep it for campfire. At campfire, we take our pinecones and wait until the cabin in front of us have done their dedications----- telling everyone their their thanks to a person and why.The dedications start like this:"I would like to dedicate this pine cone to_____ , because ________________" then, after you have spoken, you throw the pinecone into the campfire.

I said : I would like to dedicate this pine cone to my whole family and my best friend Vivian.My mom and dad works very hard to send me to school, my grandma cooks delicious food for my family, and Vivian, my best friend who is also at camp, has been my best friend since school.Also, my friends in the cabin has also gave me a lot of support throughout this wonderful week, so thanks, everyone.

On the other hand, some of my friends in the other cabins said " I  would like to dedicate this pinecone to myself." I didn't think much of that ceremony means something to them......

The YMCA Camp Round Meadow really nourished my mind, body, and soul. Other than the leather experience, I also loved the pine cone dedication.It was overall a truly cherishing activity and made me know  what my friends and family had been doing for me.


( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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