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2008/08/29 19:04:08瀏覽436|回應2|推薦3 | |
環球影城的遊樂設施沒有迪士尼多,但個個都讓人嚇破膽!像侏儸紀公園、神鬼傳奇,都是我們覺得恐怖的〝魔鬼型〞雲霄飛車。 侏儸紀公園的恐怖之處在於它慢慢,慢慢,慢慢的爬上84英呎的高度,再90度俯衝下去,園內的恐龍個個都非常的逼真,連小細節都做得栩栩如生,置身侏儸紀公園,好像恐龍都復活似的,尤其,是那隻暴龍。 雖然侏儸紀公園我玩了十次,不過,那致命一衝,我可是到現在都還心驚膽戰,情景也都歷歷在目,耳邊都還有隊友的驚呼聲: 「喔。暴龍。〈往下看〉喔喔!慘了!」 至於神鬼傳奇,我第一次坐,而且,下一次一定不會再坐了...因為,太可怕了! -------------------------------------------------- 摘自維基百科 After loading mine cart-type ride vehicles, riders enter a dark tomb fluorescented with dark green and red lights. From above, Warden Gad Hassan, the archaeologist from The Mummy film, warns guests "Run for your lives! The curse is real! Imhotep lives!" He screams as Scarab beetles engulf him. The mine car continues through to a dark chamber, as drops of water fall on guests, and arms suddenly appear from the ceiling, trying to grab riders. The mine car slowly continues into the treasure room, filled with large amounts of gold, yellow light, hieroglyphs covering the walls, and two gigantic statues of Anubis stationed next to a projector screen, where Imhotep appears from sand and tells guests, "Serve me and savor the riches of eternal life." The mine car makes a sharp turn as the yellow room quickly turns a dark shade of green, Imhotep continues his monologue... "And join us in eternal death." He continues to speak a curse in Egyptian language, before exclaiming "Now your souls belong to ME... FOREVER!" At the same time, 2 mummy warriors drop down from each side of the track. The mine car then suddenly launches into the 'underworld', a pitch black ride track, with the assistance of linear induction motors pushing the vehicle from 10 mph to 45 mph in 1 and a half seconds. The surround sound speakers in the mine cart provide riders with an added dimension of entertainment, as the sound score begins. The ride continues for 30 seconds in darkness, going around highbanked turns and small drops. Various images of mummy warriors and Imhotep are illuminated with UV lighting as the car twists and turns. The mine car makes a sharp up hill movement and veers left, where the track viciously dead-ends in a corner. Scarab beetles appear on the walls with help of projectors, as the added special effects of air jets at riders' feet and a spray of water from above create the illusion of the vehicle being attacked. The car moves backwards into the underworld as Imhotep's evil laugh roars on the soundtrack. The vehicle makes a few more twists and turns as it continues backwards and Imhotep reminds riders "There's no place to hide! Your souls are MINE!" The car brakes suddenly under the last illuminated painting of Imhotep's outstretched grasp and moves slowly into another tomb. A turntable moves the car into a forward facing position as fog machines and strobe lighting fill the blackened room. As the car faces forward once again, Imhotep appears as a projected image and screams hauntingly at riders before vanishing. There is a second of uncertain silence before a floodlight hits riders, and as a wall lifts up into the ceiling to allow the car to pass through, a second strobe light blinds guests. Imhotep's curse is broken as the ride enters the loading platform. Previously this part of the ride concluded with a solar eclipse occurring. Imhotep exclaimed, "The eclipse! NOOO!" ----------------------------------------------- 我想,那絕對是環球影城最恐怖的東西,因為它逼真到聖甲蟲爬出來時,竟讓牠爬滿我的腿!而且,它還有一樣絕招─就是讓車廂倒退著跑! 天呀!!! 車廂接近出口,我們都不約而同的─鬆了一口氣。 呼! 終於要離開了─不只是離開這恐怖的雲霄飛車─也不只是環球影城─是離開美國─是回家。直奔機場─台灣,我回來了! |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |