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2013/02/24 17:44:28瀏覽812|回應7|推薦41 | |
令狐的貓咪 Gulu 死了。。。
貓咪 Gulu 是友人令狐散步途中某戶屋前常見的貓。令狐發現 Gulu 有背傷因問屋主,屋主說不是他們的貓。令狐把貓帶去看獸醫,檢測出是癌腫瘤爆開的外傷,只能再活幾個月。友人夫妻當下請醫生開刀將腫瘤割除,把傷口處理好,出院後回家清出車庫讓給 Gulu 住,然後兩人一直照顧 Gulu 到昨天她去當小天使。
Linghu: "You know it really didn't hit you that hard at the minute you witnessed her passing, it's the moments before and after. When you drove to the hospital knowing that she wouldn't be riding home with you, and when you came home and saw her empty bed and you could still smell her in the room, that's when tears started pouring down".
GolfNut: "The immensity of your love for Gulu has been truly amazing, we are so touched and moved by both of you. It is because of people like you two that our world has a chance to become a better place, that we have a chance to become better people. Gulu was so fortunate to have been adopted by you, to her this life was worthwhile because of you. Thank you Linghu, we love you too, always".
Nicole: "Sorry to hear about that but she's really lucky to have you and she's now in a happier place... She will always be in your heart. You are such a nice person and you are very courageous, she will remember you as well".
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |