沈委員加油!! 我遠在紐西蘭, 但是為您高聲喝采和加油!!
最近紐西蘭有一項政策, 讓我深入了解和與台灣比較之後...我真的為台灣感到傷心...
紐西蘭的 Low socio-economic class (sorry, I meant no offensive at all ) 的人大部分為 Maori 和 Pacific Islanders....一直到最近, 研究證明要擺脫 Poverty 的其中一項關鍵便是 Education..可想而知, 他們並無好的教育機會. 沒有好的教育便會衍生出一 些問題 i.e. poorer occupation ---> low income ----> poor health status ------> high mortality and morbidity rate...
鍵於如此, 紐西蘭政府決定每年撥款 at least 5 million New Zealand dollars 要提升他們的教育水平, 連帶一些補助配套, 提升國民水平均....最近我在大學讀書時, 真的發現 Maori and Pacific Islanders 多了超級多, 真的感到很高興, becuase policies have been thoroughly implemented and its a good thing !!
想到台灣也有許多低收入家庭....而且持續增加中....雖然政府也有補助,但是好像不足...I can still see so many kids are starving...people committed suicide..BUT... the government is giving money away..i.e...buying stupid, old and expensive weapons...and CORRUPTIONS!! Ggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
Man....Taiwan is our mother land...never ever treat her like that will you? Can't you guys see she is bleeding to death? T__________T