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2010/06/29 18:15:24瀏覽318|回應0|推薦1 | |
Taipei – Taiwan Raymond and Abigail arrived in Taipei. They check in at the hotel where Raymond acquired. On the plane, Abigail has not been feeling well, her gastro problem is back but she tries to hide it from Raymond so she can go to the S21 signatory event. Arriving at the hotel, Abigail goes straight to the room and start vomiting. She tries to find her medicines in the suitcase but couldn't find them. She must have left them at home. Abigail: (Drink warm water and look in front of the mirror) 幸子, 你要撐住. 你還需要去找韓東均他們. 不管有多痛一定要撐住 (Freshen up and and go to see Raymond) Raymond…我們走吧. [English: Xing Zi... you can do it... you still need to give Han Dong Jun a surprise... No matter how painful it is you need to hang in there ( Freshen up and go to see Raymond) Raymond.... Let's go] Raymond: (Look at her and wondering) 你怎麼了嗎? 怎麼看起來那麼蒼白? [English: Are you ok? You look very pale] Abigail: 我沒事(Pretend nothing is wrong)可能昨晚在飛機上沒睡好吧. 我們去看簽唱會好嗎? [English: I am ok ( Pretend nothing is wrong) Maybe because I didn't sleep well on the plane last night... Can we go to the fans meeting?] Raymond: 可是 … [English: But...] (Still thinking that something is wrong with her). Abigail: 走啦 … 今天是他們的簽唱會, 我想給他們一個驚喜. [English: Come on... Today is their fans meeting and I really want to give them a surprise] Raymond: 我看你還是休息吧. [English: I think you should go back and rest] Abigail: 啊唷 … 我真的沒事啦. 我們快走吧 … [English: Ah yo... I am fine... Let's go...](Drag his hand). Raymond: 好啦好啦 . 但是我們要先去買一些吃的, 我看你在飛機上都沒什麼吃東西. 不然你的胃病有會再發作了. [English: Ok... but we will need to buy something to eat first. I didn't see you eat anything on the plane... I am afraid that you will get gastric problem again] Abigail: 知道了啦 ... 我們趕快走吧, 快來不及了啦. [English: No problem... Hurry up... We are going to be late] Abigail and Raymond are in the area for the event. There are so many fans hanging around and lining up to go up the stage to get the boy band's signatures. Because she wants to give surprise to Jun, she decides to line up as well. Raymond: (Looking at the long queue) Eh…Do you really want to queue with these people just to give him a surprise? Why don't you just call him and tell him to come to hotel? Abigail: If I do that, that's not a surprise anymore…I want to look at their reaction when I show up in front of them…hahaha.. 這樣才比較有趣嘛. [English: This is more fun] Raymond: 你喔 … 都已經機歲了, 還那麼愛玩? [English: You Oh... You are an adult now.. and still playing like a little kid] Abigail: (Smile) 那 … 我來排隊, 你先去買東吃跟喝的吧. 記得 … 要幫我買Hot chocolate ok? [English: Then... I will line up here... you go and buy some food... Remember to get me a Hot Chocolate ] Raymond: 好吧 … 那你自己小心一點喔 … 我很快就回來. [English: Ok.. then please becareful... I 'll be back soon] Abigail: Ok... 你趕快去吧. [English: Ok... Go...] Raymond goes and buys some food and drinks while Abigail is lining up waiting to get autograph from S21. She has lined up for half an hour and Raymond still hasn't come back. He also has to queue up for the food and drinks. Abigail: (Touch her stomach) 好痛喔 , 為什麼要偏偏這個時候胃痛啊 … Raymond (Look around) 你怎麼這麼久啊 … [English: Ah... it's painful... why does the gastric attacked has to happen now... Raymond ( Look around) what taking you so long...] (Bend down to put pressure on her stomach to ease the pain) Slowly Abigail is closer to the stage. The pain is so unbearable and she feels like vomiting…she has to squat down to put pressure on her stomach. Abigail: 啊 … 好痛啊 …Raymond, 你在哪裡啊? 為什麼還不回來呢? [English: Ah... Pain.... Raymond... where are you? Why aren't you back here?] A Fan: (Looking at Abigail who is squatting down) 小姐, 小姐 … 你沒事吧? [English: Miss.... Miss... Are you ok?] Abigail: (Look at the person and smile) 我沒事 ... [English: I'm fine] A Fan: 那 … 你可不可以往前面走啊? 快輪到你了. [English: Then... can you move front now... it's almost your turn ] Abigail: (Looking in front) 喔 … 對不起 … [English: Ow.. Sorry..] (Stand up and walk slowly to the stage). Soon it is Abigail's turn to go up the stage. She is walking slowly to the stage follows by other fans and at the same time Raymond comes back bringing some food and drinks. He sees Abigail is on the edge of the stage lining up and decides to wait at the other end so when Abigail comes down from the stage he can meet her straightaway. Abigail: (Looking along the table) 快見到均了. 我一定要撐住. Abigail slowly walks to the front, one of her hand holds the ticket, the other one is putting pressure on her stomach. Raymond: (Looking at Abigail) 她為什麼一直抱著她的肚子? 是不是胃病又發作了? [English: Why is she keep holding her stomach? Is she having the gastric attacked again? ] (Take out his mobile phone from his pocket and make a phone call) John, 把車子開到門口等我們.[English: Can you please drive the car and wait for us infront? ] Hiro: (Signing for one of the fans) Thank you. Abigail puts the ticket for Hiro to sign Hiro: (Signs the ticket, look up) Thank you… Abigail!!(Get excited) 是你啊. 你怎麼會在這裡? [English: It's you.... How did you come here?] Abigail: Ssstt…!!! (Smile and move slowly to Desmond). Abigail is unable to speak as she is in pain. Desmond: Abigail… 你來了 … [English: You are here..] (Signs the ticket and touches Jun's arm). 韓東均 : (Turn to Desmond and see Abigail is standing there) Abigail… (Look at her and smile). Abigail: (Move to Jun and smile, and try to talk but can't talk). 韓東均 : (Very excited but can't show his feeling, sign the ticket and whisper) 你怎麼會在這裡啊? [English: How did you come here?] Abigail: (Hold her stomach)因為…我…我想給你... [English: Coz.. I.... I want to.... (Suddenly bend down as her stomach is really painful). 韓東均 : (Stand up and try to walk away from the chair) Abigail!! Jun wants to care for Abigail but he was hold by Kelvin and shakes his head. Jun can't do anything but stand there. Alan, who is standing there, runs to check on Abigail. Alan: (Hold her) Abigail, 你沒事吧? [English: Are you ok?] Abigail nodes her head and trying to stand up but she can't handle the pain anymore and faint. Alan: 喂 !!! 你怎麼啦 … 你醒一醒啊. [English: Wei.... What has happened to you... wake up] Raymond who is at the end of the stage also rushes up to the stage but is hold by the security guard. Raymond: 幸子 … 幸子 … 請你讓我過去 … 她是我的朋友… [English: Xing Zi... Xing Zi... Please let me pass... she is my friend] The security guard let him go to the stage. Raymond runs to the stage and takes over Abigail from Alan. Raymond: Thank you … (Carry her away from the stage). Jun just stands there and looks at Raymond carries Abigail away from the arena. Meanwhile Alan is trying to calm down everyone. 韓東均 : 幸子 … 你千萬不要有事 … [English: Xing Zi... Please don't let anything bad happen to you] (Feel hopeless as he can't approach Abigail and only can watch Raymond brings her away). At the hospital Raymond: 醫生 … 幸子的情況嚴重嗎? [English: Doctor... How is she doing?] 醫生 : 她有胃酸過多的症狀 , 病人是不是一直都有胃病? [English: The level of acid in her stomach is very high... does she always have gastric attacked? ] Raymond: 是…已經有好機年了. 她一向吃了藥就沒事了. [English: Yes... she has the problem for years... and as long as she is taking her medication.. she won't suffer the attack often] 醫生 : 這一次是有點嚴重 , 她不可以再不定時進餐了. 胃藥都要按時吃 . 不然她的胃病會越來越嚴重. [English: This time.. her condition is a bit serious... she needs to start eating her meals on time and taking her medication regularly... if know the problem will get more serious] Raymond: 我知道了, 謝謝你醫生. [English: Noted... Thanks Doctor] Raymond walks to the room and sits next to Abigail who is still unconsious and holds her hand. Raymond: 幸子, 為什麼自己的身體都不懂的好好照顧呢? 每次都讓人擔心. [English: Xing Zi... why can't you take care of yourself properly? Why do you always make people worry about you?] After the event, Jun and Hiro rushes to the hospital to see Abigail. 韓東均 : (Ask the nurse) 护士小姐, 請問金幸子小姐的病房在哪裡? [English: Nurse... can you tell me where is Miss Kim's room?] 护士 : (Check the report) 在1098病房. [English: She is at room 1098] 韓東均 : 謝謝 .. [English: Thanks...] (Walk very fast to 1098). While Jun and Hiro is on the way to the room, Abigail is conscious. Abigail: (Open her eyes and try to sit up) Raymond… Raymond: (Help her sit up right) 你醒了. [English: You are awake] Abigail: 我在哪裡啊? [English: Where am I?] Raymond: 在醫院, 你剛才昏倒了. [English: At the hospital... you were fainted just then] Abigail: 是嗎? [English: What??] Ha~~(Just realise about the event) 我是在簽唱會昏倒的嗎? [English: I fainted at the fans meeting?] Raymond: (Node his head). Abigail: Ha~~ 很丟臉耶 … 在那麼多人的面前昏倒. [English: How embarrasing.... there were so many people over there] Raymond: 對啊, 你還會不好意思哦. [English: That's right... You realise how embarrasing it is now?] Abigail: 那 …我是不是把簽唱會搞砸了? [English: Then.. did I ruin the fans meeting?] Raymond: (Use his fingers flick her forehead) 你喔 … [English: You Oh...] Abigail: Ouch… 你幹嘛啊.... [English: What are you doing?] (Touch her fore head) 很痛耶. [English: It's hurt] Raymond: 知道痛了哦? 明知到胃痛很嚴重還不吃藥. [English: It's painful? You know that you have a serious gastric problem.. why you didn't take your medication?] Abigail: (Smile) He he he 我忘記把藥帶來了. [English: I forgot to bring my medication] Raymond: 你還敢說 , 沒有藥也可以去買啊, 為什麼要逞強呢? [English: You still dare to say you that? If you didn't have the medicine we can just buy them... why are you hiding the pain?] Abigail: 我還以為只是一下子就可以回飯店了 ... 沒想到需要排到那麼久. [English: I thought that we will go back to the hotel soon... never thought that the line will be that long ] Raymond: 你喔 … 長那麼大了還不懂得照顧自己 , 那以後要怎麼照顧別人呢 ? 從小到大都是我在照顧耶. [English: You oh... You are an adult... you still don't know how to take care of yourself... how can you take care of other people in future? I have been taking care of you all the time since we were little] Abigail: Eh… 誰說每次都是你在照顧我 … 我們都已經好幾年沒見面了. 我在Sydney的這段日子都是我自己在照顧自己耶. [English: Eh.. Who said that you have always taken care of me... we haven't seen each other for a few years... I have been taking good care of my self when I live in Sydney] Raymond: 還敢說 … 你看看你 (Grab her wrist) 都瘦成這樣子了. [English: You still say you know how?.... Look ( Grab her wrist) You are so skinny] Abigail: (Smile) 啊唷 … 人家就是吃不胖嘛 , 又不是我的錯. [English: Ah yo... It's just I have a high metabolism... it's not my fault] At the same time Jun has arrived in the room and sees Raymond holds her hand. Hiro: (See what happened and walk towards Abigail) Abigail …你沒事吧? [English: You ok?] Abigail: (Surprise to see them and let go her hand) Hiro, Jun, 你們怎麼會來這裡? [English: Why are you guys here?] Hiro: 我們被你下壞了 … 你突然昏倒 …有哪裡不舒服嗎? [English: You fainted suddenly and scared us....are you still in pain?] 韓東均 : 你沒事吧. 醫生怎麼說? [English: Are you ok? What did the doctor say?] Abigail: 對不起 , 把你們嚇壞了…我沒事. 只是老毛病又發作了. [English: Sorry for scaring you both... I am fine .. just old problem] Raymond: (Stand up from the chair) 你們慢慢聊吧, 我去找醫生幫你拿藥. [English: I'll let you guys chat...I'll see the doctor to get your medicine] (Walk out from the room). Abigail: (Node her head). Hiro: (Looking at Raymond who walks out) 他是誰啊? 還慢cool的耶. [English: Who is he? He looks pretty cool] Abigail: 他是Raymond Wang, 我從小一起長大的朋友. [English: His name is Raymond Wang... He is my childhood friend] Hiro: 原來你們是青梅竹馬喔. 難怪會那麼情熱. [English: Oh... no wonder...you guys are so close] Abigail: 哈哈哈…沒有啦. Eh… 我是不是把你們的簽唱會搞砸了 … 真的很對不起. [English: Hahaha...not that close lah.... Eh... did I ruin the fans meeting? I am really sorry] Hiro: 啊唷…沒有啦. 一切都很順利, 只是有人看到你昏倒了之後一直都心不在焉了. [English: Ah Yo.... Everything is under control and went well... it's just someone mind is not there anymore when he saw you fainted] 韓東均 : Eh.. 我在擔心她不行嗎? 如果你看到你的朋友在你面前昏倒…可是你什麼都不能做 , 你也一定會很難過吧. [English: Eh... I am just worried about her... if you see your friend fainted in front you ... and you can't do anything ... won't you feel very bad?] Hiro: 哇 … 我是在開玩笑而已啦 , 幹嘛那麼耶嚴肅啊. [English: Hey... I am just joking ... why are you so serious?] Abigail: (Looking at Jun who is quite serious) 好了啦 , Hiro… 你不再取笑他了啦 . 他是因為緊張我才會那樣的. [English: Hiro... Stop teasing him... He acted that way coz he worried about me] 韓東均 : 對呀, 難到我緊張我的女朋友不行嗎? [English: It's true... why can't I worry about my girl friend?] Hiro: 女朋友??? 你們 … 哪時候變成男女朋友的? 我怎麼都不知道? [English: Girl friend? You two... Since when you two become boy friend and girl friend? How come I didn't know?] Both Abigail and Jun look at each other and feel awkward. Hiro: Ha ha ha...你們的臉怎麼變得那麼紅啊 …Ohh… (Smiling)... 是不是在 Malaysia 的時候? [English: Look at you two... both of your faces are so red... Ohh.. (Smiling) .. Don't tell me that it happened in Malaysia?] 韓東均 : (Quickly change the topic) 那 … 你需不需要住院呢? [English: So ... do you have to stay overnight?] Abigail: 應該不需要吧, 我現在都已經沒事了. [English: I don't think so... coz I feel fine now] Raymond: (Walk in the room) 誰說你不需要住院 … 我跟醫生討論了 … 他說你需要留下來做仔細的檢查 , 住院手續都已經辦好了. [English: Who said you don't have to stay over night?.... I have discussed with the doctor... he wants you to stay to proper examination... I have completed all paperwork for you..] Abigail: 我只是胃痛而已, 不需要住院吧? [English: I just have a gastric problem.. why do I need to stay at the hospital?] Raymond: 不行…如果不讓醫生監察, 我是不會放心的..我現回去幫你拿衣服吧,再回來陪你. [English: If you don't let the doctor examine you properly .. My mind won't rest... I will go back to the hotel and prepare some clothes for you... then will come back to company you] Abigail: Er… (Feel a bit awkward). Hiro: Eh... 陪她的應該是韓東均吧. 你又不是她的男朋友. [English: I think this task should be done by Han Dong Jun... Coz you are not her boy friend] 韓東均 : (Look at Raymond) 謝謝你Raymond, 今晚讓我來陪她好嗎? [English: Thanks Raymond... let me company her tonight] Abigail: 是啊Raymond, 你明天還需要工作. 有均在 … 我不會有事的. [English: Raymond.. you still have to work tomorrow... I have Jun here... I will be fine..] Raymond: Uhmm…那好吧 , 我明天再來看你也順便把你的衣服帶來 . 你記得要按時吃藥哦. [English: OK then... I will come and bring your clothes tomorrow.. Remember to take your medication on time] Abigail: 知道了啦 , 謝謝你今天陪了我一整天 … 你應該也很累了吧 … 早點回去休息吧. [English: I know.... Thanks very much for company me all day...You must be tired too... please go back and have a good rest] Raymond: 你也要早點休息喔. 正晚在飛機上都沒有睡覺應該也很累了. [English: You too... You didn't sleep all night on the plane and must be tired too.] Abigail: 喔 … (Smile). [English: Oh] Raymond: 我們明天見吧 . 要早點睡哦. [English: We'll met tomorrow then... Sleep early] Abigail: 知道了啦 ... 你真的很囉嗦耶 …Bye…路上要小心喔 …明天見. [English: I know lah... You are so prolix.... Bye... please be careful on the road] Raymond walks out from the room to go back to the hotel. Hiro: Hmm…這個人還真奇怪 , Abigail 病了當然是東均來照顧嘛 . 還跟人家爭 (Smile to Abigail and Jun) 那好吧 … 我也改走了, 不想不當大燈泡 , 我想你們應該有好多話要說吧. [English: Hmm... This person is quite weird... Abigail is sick and Dong Jun should be the one who is taking care of her... why did he insist that he is going to be the one to take care of her... ( Smile to Abigail and Jun) Ok Lah... I better go now... I don't want to be disturb you ... I think you have lot's things to talk] 韓東均: 你現在才想到喔 … 其實你早就改走了 [English: Did you just realise that? You should leave earlier] (Tease Hiro). Hiro: 知道了啦 … 我走就是了嘛. Enjoy loh (Blink one eye to Jun) 記得哦 … 不要讓她太晚睡喔. [English: I know lah... I am going now..Enjoy loh ( Blink one eye to Jun) Remember... Don't sleep too late ] 韓東均 : Hahaha.. 知道了啦 [English: We know...] .. Bye… Hiro: 那 …Abigail… 我明天再來看你吧 . 晚安囉 [English: Then.. Abigail.. I will come and visit you tomorrow] Bye.. Bye... Abigail: Bye… 路上小心喔 [English: Please be careful] (Waive to Hiro). Hiro: (Smile and walk out). Abigail: (Look at Jun) 你也回去吧 , 我沒事了. [English: You go home too.... I am fine now] 韓東均 : 不 … 讓我今晚留下來陪你 [English: Nope... Let me stay here tonight] (Sit down next to her and hold her hand). Abigail: 可是 ... 你都已經忙了一整天了. 應該很累了. [English: But .. you have been busy for the whole day and must be very tired too] 韓東均 : 再累也要留下來照顧你啊. [English: No matter how tired I am ...I still want to stay here to company you ] (Put his arm around Abigail's shoulder) 你真把我嚇壞了. [English: You really scared me to death just then] Abigail: 我不是已經沒事了嗎? 只是胃痛而已啦. [English: You see... I am fine now... Just a gastric attacked... no big deal..] 韓東均 : 你還敢說 … 一定是上次意外引起得 … [English: You still stubborn... Must because of the incident last time] Abigail: 對不起 … 讓你擔心了. [English: Sorry... I have made you worried] 韓東均 : Abigail… Abigail: Mm? (Look at Jun). 韓東均 : 對不起 … 我當時 … 應該跑過去抱你 … 可是 … [English: Sorry for not be able to carry you just then...] (Thinking about what happened at the signature event) 我覺得我真的很沒用 , 練保護你都做不到. [English: I really think that I am useless... I can't even protect you...] Abigail: (Hold his hand) 沒關係啦 … 我知道 … 你是逼不得已的 , 如果你當時去抱我的話 , 明天我們就會上頭條新聞了. 到時候又不知道會再發生什麼事 . 你這麼做是對的. [English: It's ok... I know... You won't be able to do it... If you carry me .. then tomorrow we will be on the headline news... If that happens... it will be nightmare for us...You have done the right thing ....] 韓東均 : 可是 … [English: But...] Abigail: Sshhh… (Put her finger on his lips) 我現在不是好好的. [English: I am fine now....] 韓東均 : (Smile) 胃還痛不痛啊? [English: Is it still painful?] Abigail: (Shake her head and smile). 韓東均 : (Kiss her fore head) 答應我 , 以後要好好照顧自己 , 不要再這麼傻了好不好? [English: Promise me... Please take good care of yourself... Don't do stupid stuff anymore] Abigail nodes her head and leans close to Jun. Few days later - At the hotel Abigail receives sms from Jun. Abigail: (Checking the mobile phone). Jun's voice Sorry, can't company you these two days, I will be busy rehearsing at the studio and tomorrow we will have a photo shoot at Kao Shiong. Abigail: (Reply the sms) That's ok…you guys have fun. Cya when you come back. After finishing texting Jun, Abigail thinks of an idea. Abigail: (Thinking and smile) 他現在應該在舞蹈室吧 … 哈哈 … [English: He must be at the studio... Haha...] (Take her handbag and walk out from the room). Abigail goes to the restaurant at the hotel and buys several pieces of cakes to bring over to the studio. She wants to surprise Jun. Arriving at the studio… Abigail: 應該是這裡吧 [English: I think it should be here] (Look around). Abigail walks around to find the studio where Jun is rehearsing. She stops in front of a studio room as she sees Jun rehearsing with a dancer. When she is about to go in, she sees the girl suddenly kisses Jun. She is shocked and dropped the box. Abigail: 他們 …不 … 他們只是在排練舞步 … 對 … 在排練 …[English: They.... No... It is just part of the choreograph ... Yes... choreograph...] (Pick up the box and want to open the door but is abit hesitant) 我還是先走比較好 …幸子…你一定是看錯了 … 什麼都沒有發生 …[English: I think I better go now... Xing Zi... You have seen the wrong thing....] (Take a deep breath) 冷靜 … 要冷靜 [English: Stay calm.... Need to stay calm] (Quickly walk to the lift and keep pressing the down button). When the lift open, Alan comes out and greets her. Alan: 幸子? 你怎麼會在這裡? [English: Xing Zi... Why are you here?] Abigail: 我 … 我 …[English: I.... I....] (Look at the box on her hand) 對啦 …這是買給你們吃的 … 我還有事 … 我 … 先走了 …[English: Oh... I bought this for you all... I just realise that I still have something to do... I will have to leave now...] (Quickly goes in the lift and keep pressing the close button). Alan: Eh… 走的還真快 (Look at the cake box) 真幸富啊 , 還有蛋糕可以吃. [English: Eh... Why is she rushing? ( Look at the cake box) So lucky... can enjoy just a wonderful cake] As Abigail is still shocked of what had happened, coming out from the lift she keeps running and stops at a park. Abigail: (Take some breath and thinking) 不可能 , 我一定是想太多了, 是在排練舞步, 什麼事情都沒有發生 . 幸子要冷靜 … 冷靜 … [English: Nah... I have thought too much... It is just a choreograph... nothing happened... Xing Zi... Calm down... you need to calm down] (Walk away). Meanwhile Alan walks in the studio. Alan: (Put the box on the table) 你們趕快來吃吧. [English: Guys... cakes for you] Hiro: 呦 ... Alan 哥 , 你今天心情特別嗎 ? 怎麼這麼好買蛋糕給我們吃? [English: Yoh... Brother Alan... You are in good mood today? Why suddenly you are so nice and bought some cakes for us?] Alan: 蛋糕不是我買的. 我在電梯的時候遇到Abigail, 是她叫我拿給你們的. [English: I didn't buy the cake... I met Abigail on the lift and she asked me to give it to you guys.] Hiro: Abigail? 她來過嗎 ? 為什麼她不自己給我們啊? [English: She is here? Why she didn't give to us in person?] Alan: 我也覺得有點奇怪…她把蛋糕給我了就匆忙的走掉了.好想不知道看到了什麼. [English: I think something is weird here... she handed the cake to me and rushing in the lift... she looked like she has just seen something] 韓東均 : (Surprise hearing the comment). Alan: 東均, 她身體還好嗎? 我看她的臉色還慢蒼白的. [English: Dong Jun... Has she recovered? I can see that her face is still quite pale] Hiro: (Open the box and the cake is a bit destroyed) Ha… 怎麼蛋糕都爛成這樣子? [English: Why is the cake destroyed] 韓東均 : (Look at the cake and thinking) 難道她是看到了剛剛所發生的事?[English: Did she see what happened before?] Because Abigail was concentrating too much in thinking of what had happened, she didn't realise that she is near the traffic light and the light is green for cars. When she walks half way and at far a car drives closer and almost hit her. A guy who is happened to be there, runs across and saves her. Luckily, the car doesn't hit anyone. Both of them are on the ground. 少宗 : (Hold Abigail) 小姐, 你沒事吧? [English: Miss... You ok?] Abigail: (Shock of what had happened) 我 … [English: I ...] He helps Abigail to stand up and see Abigail's knee is bleeding from the incident. 少宗 : 小姐 … 你的腳流血了. 我帶你醫院. [English: Miss... Your knee is bleeding... Let me bring you to the hospital] Abigail: (Look at the knee) 我沒事 … 謝謝你剛才救了我. [English: I'm fine... Thanks for saving me] 少宗 : 不行, 我一定要帶你去醫院把傷口包起來. 女孩子的腳有了疤就不好看了. 來我背你. [English: I think I should bring you to the hospital to check the wound.. If not.. you will have a scar on your leg and it doesn't look nice anymore... come let me carry you ] Abigail: Ha~ (Feel very awkward) 哈哈…不需要了, 我沒事…我還可以自己走. [English: Ha Ha .. It's ok... I can walk by myself] 少宗 : 真的還可以走嗎? 我的車就停在那邊. 讓我扶你吧 [English: You sure you can walk? My car is just over there... Let me assist you] (Help Abigail walk across the road). Abigail didn't realise that her mobile phone dropped out from her bag during the incident. To be continue ....... |
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