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2008/07/22 02:22:07瀏覽1102|回應3|推薦35

                  從前小男生會比手勢,裝作拿手槍抵住玩伴的背後,么喝說: [要錢、要命、要老婆?] 如今養生學興起,女不僅為悅己者容,也需為悅己者食,因此孩提玩遊戲時講的威脅話,可以改成適婚女子版: [要美味、要健康、要老公?] 激進的女性主義者讀到我這種言論,應該會群起鳴鼓而攻之了。且慢,[悅己者]可以解讀為[喜愛自己的人],所以既可能是男友、老公,也可能是自己本人,除了自虐狂,誰不愛自己呢?

                  曾有一位言必稱〔政治正確〕的女教授批評瘦身商業廣告助紂為虐,用大男人的眼光凝視女人的軀體,要求女人塑身成苗條曲線,以滿足男性的眼目情慾。雖然此話不無道理,但是根據最新醫學研究建議,維持適當身高與體重的相對比例 (BMI – Body Mass Index),乃降低心血管疾病罹患機率的必要保健之道。所以就增進個人健康而言,女人適度節食,何必為了吸引男人行注目禮呢? 地球上男人全都移民上火星了,女人總得保持適中身材,只是為了自己能過身心健康的生活吧!  

                   話說回來,女人難免陷入兩難,像我上次在瑞士日內瓦火車站內的巧克力專賣店,買了幾盒歷史悠久的名牌巧克力,回到美國不出一星期,就當早午晚餐後必享點心而猛嚼舔盡。當然最後還是良心發現,留了一小包送給教會裡的美國太太Faith,因她常請我們留學生到家裡吃[西班牙海鮮飯]等盛宴,席間一位本籍比利時的中年姊妹很[愛國]的說,世界上最好吃的巧克力是由比利時生產,瑞士比不上的。另外,用餐時同桌閒聊時,ABC Stella 說起小學低年級時幹過的叛逆鮮事:她連續整整一年每逢午餐休息時間,就把媽媽做的午餐盒倒進垃圾桶,然後掏出媽媽給的零用錢,買兩大盒冰淇淋,狼吞虎嚥。真的看不出這位圓潤可愛的女強人,當時正在醫院實習準備當婦產科醫師,也曾經如此熱愛高熱量零嘴,甚至犧牲原來應該裝蔬果營養正餐的胃口。

                  因此讀到紐約市推行新法,以促進減肥的新聞,不禁莞爾,高熱量的美味,永遠會像禁書禁菸一樣,官方越三令五申,百姓越有偷偷犯戒的刺激快感。根據2004年醫學研究發現,紐約客每五人中就有一人肥胖,為了迎戰肥胖此公共衛生問題,紐約市衛生局官員決定規定麥當勞必勝客Domino's pizzas and TGI Friday等連鎖速食餐廳,必須在菜單看板上列出餐飲的卡路里含量。當然點餐時,這些用作警告的卡路里含量數字,多少會教超重食客怵目驚心,但到底會不會身不由己,要健康的理智向要美味的口腹豎白旗?終究是天問了。
New York fast food joints ordered to publish calorie count

Apr 29, 2008

NEW YORK (AFP) — An order requiring fast food restaurants in New York to publish the calorie content of their meals came into effect Tuesday after a court rejected their bid to suspend the anti-obesity measure.

From now on, fast food chains that have more than 15 restaurants nationwide, including MacDonald's, Domino's pizzas and TGI Friday's, will have to clearly display how many calories are in their meals served across the city.

The move by city health officials, backed by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has been in the pipeline for nearly two years as part of the fight against obesity, which affected about 1.5 million people here in 2004.

Certain firms, including Starbucks, have already begun posting the calorie content of their meals on their packaging, but others, including McDonald's and Dunkin' Donuts, were more reluctant.

They and other restaurants are challenging the calorie order under the first amendment to the US constitution, which guarantees free speech and expression, and the clause which says the constitution overrides local laws.

At a federal district appeals court Tuesday in New York, the restaurants, represented by the New York State Restaurant Association (NYSRA), argued for a temporary suspension in the order to allow them to prepare their legal case.

The court at first agreed to a suspension, before reversing its position a few hours later. It rejected the NYSRA case, although it did delay the date from which restaurants can be fined for non-compliance from June 6 to July 18.

The three judges were divided on the issue, which may explain the U-turn.

"I don't see a big difference between the calories warnings on the meals and the warnings on the cigarettes packs," said Judge Rosemary Pooler, noting that people continue to smoke.

Another of the judges, Chester Straub, was more conciliatory, saying: "Why doesn't the city agree with a stay? You've waited for years, what is the immediacy? One more bag of French fries will not make the difference."

But the lawyer for New York authorities, Fay Ng, argued that "one calorie less everyday does make the difference."

"Ten million meals are served in New York each month. We represent New York City. We have an important public health decision here. The interest of the Board of Health is to implement it," she said.

In 2004, medical studies showed that 21.7 percent of the population of New York was obese -- a 70 percent spike in 10 years.

Major fast food chains represent more than a third of all meals served in the city, and on average, their meals exceed by 300 calories -- or sometimes double -- the 750 calories per meal recommended by nutritionists, studies say.

In September, Bloomberg defended New York's health authorities and said the city had an obligation to tell people how to live better.

Tuesday's ruling puts an end to weeks of delays in the introduction of the order, which was due to come into effect on April 1.

But it does not draw a line under the affair, as the restaurant owners still have to make their case, which could take months.
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紐約新規 麥當勞菜單列出卡路里
紐約新規上路! 麥當勞菜單列出卡路里http://udn.com/NEWS/WORLD/WOR6/4433219.shtml

【聯合晚報╱美聯社紐約十八日電】 2008.07.19 02:33 pm

列出卡路里和禁止反式脂肪同是紐約市府近年反肥胖症運動的一部分。少數連鎖餐廳似乎對新規措手不及,Singas Famous Pizza的主管艾米拉說:「這完全是個惡夢。」該餐廳在紐約市擁有17間分店,大部分在皇后區。
( 休閒生活美食 )
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To Dr. 鷹農
2008/08/04 14:24
版面上找不到直接回覆按鍵, 只好另闢新文
其實最好通通有獎, 同時應有盡有, 但得失與時俱移
所謂[美味], 夫妻經常各有所好; [健康]人人要, 吃喝率性刁

first choice
2008/08/04 01:11

If I were you, my first choice will be

an ideal husband.

Risk being politically incorrect...
2008/07/22 03:20

I would venture to guess... the order of priority for most young ladies in Taiwan is: 1. 要老公, 2. 要健康, 3. 要美味... (just a guess哈哈!)

琴調巧克力(DolceChocolate) 於 2008-07-23 12:44 回覆:
Not serving as a spokesperson for most young ladies in Taiwan, I dare not confirm your guess.  "One man's guess is as good as another's." 

However, the order of priority by your guess makes sense as long as one's husband can afford both healthy and fine-dining lifestyle.