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Is This The Sixth Sense ?
2010/06/13 13:09:23瀏覽509|回應0|推薦23

Recently for the past two months, some really strange things happened to me. Do you believe that dreams sometimes really do tell you things that might happen in the future? Well, I do.

Two months ago, I was having my mid-year examinations. I can still remember, the night before my last paper, Mathematics Paper 2, I had two dreams. First, I dreamt that I was rushing for my sign language rehearsal and I kept missing the time, so as a result, I was late. Sign language rehearsal is always an important event for me.

The next morning, I was getting ready to go to school. My paper was 2pm in the afternoon, but I had to enter the examination hall 15 minutes before the paper started, so I prepared to leave the house at 12.15pm and take the bus to school. But who knows, the weather was bad and before I could leave the house, it was raining very heavily, as a result, I was stuck at home. I thought the rain would subside after a while, but I was wrong. It lasted for almost an hour and if I were still not leaving the house, I was going to be late. So I had no choice but to hire a cab to school. So thanks to the cab, I was on time.

When I reached school, I suddenly remembered the dream of being late. Then I thought maybe the dream was warning me that I might be late for an important event today. It was quite true.

I thought that now since I reached school on time, I was safe, but I was wrong.

My second dream was quite a wierd one. I dreamt that I was twisting some straws during school assembly while the teacher was talking, and suddenly, my school principal suddenly came over and threw the straws on the floor. I was shocked and immediately felt that trouble was waiting ahead.

That afternoon, after I finished my last exam paper, I met my aunt at a shopping mall, because my cousin had lesson to attend there. When she finished her lesson, we went over to a fast food restaurant, KFC, to have some snacks. While eating, me and my aunt were chatting happily. Then, I told her about my strange dream last night. But when I mentioned about the "twisting straws" part, she suddenly stopped me and told me to get some straws and taught her how to twist the straws into heart shapes. So I was about to stand up to get some straws from the counter, but my cousin immediately stood up and ran over to get those straws.

But just then, something happened. Because of the slippery floor, she slipped and her whole body was thrown on the floor! It was a bad fall!I was momentarily shocked, because, it was the same feeling I had in my second dream!

This was very spooky. I dreamt that trouble was looming when I was twisting straws and sure enough, there was trouble when twisting straws.

But this was still not the end. In the evening, I had another important event to attend, which was a choir concert which my school choir had wanted us to watch. This time, there was a slight time miscalculation and also a bit of traffic jam, so this time, I was officially late for that event.

So could it be my sixth sense warning me about all these bad things through my dream?

Not just my dream. Even when I am conscious.

A few days ago, me and my aunt were at the same shopping mall shopping again. When we walked past a shoe shop, I looked in and happened to see my most favorite teacher, Miss Sarah. She really is a great teacher who teaches me chemistry and she brings liveliness into the classroom, making our world alive. Her passion and patience in teaching has inspired many of us.

I also often complimented her in front of my aunt, so when she heard that I just saw her, she immediately went back to look for her. Then they chatted happily for a while.

After that, when we parted, I suddenly thought back that many of the times when I come to that shopping mall, I would always have this very odd feeling that I would met her here, and my feeling was right, I did meet her there.

Could this really be my sixth sense tingling again? It is really very spooky and yet at the same time quite cool. It is like my sixth sense can warn me of the unfortunate things that might happen to me today and might also tell me a bit about the future, and it is quite accurate too! So maybe in the future relying on my sixth sense might not be a bad thing!

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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