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How One Generation Loves, The Next Generation Learns
2010/06/27 20:16:37瀏覽795|回應1|推薦20

Family love is one of the most essential things one must have in his/her life. Family love warms our hearts and also, it sends a very clear message to us: You are never alone; You have us!

Because family love is important, Singapore  National Family Council often has advertisements that showcase family love, encouraging Singapore citizens to love our family more.

There are quite a few that are very well done.

One is about a few grandmothers sitting together, chatting about their family. Then slowly, the grandmothers started bragging about how great their children were. And also boasting that their children were always going overseas for work to earn large amount of money. Then suddenly, one grandmother asked another grandmother who was very quiet listening to their converstion. So she asked, "what about your son?"

And she replied, "My son? He is fine. He is coming to bring me out for lunch later."

Just as she finished, her son drove his small old car with his whole family to come and fetch her. As she bidded them goodbye and his son drove off, the grandmothers looked at her with envy and also very sad, because their children were too busy to visit them. The slogan appeared: "Love of the family is life's greatest blessing."

This advertisement is spoken in 福建話 / 閩南語。

The other one is at a funeral. A lady was bidding farewell to her husband. And she said, before her husband died, she would hear very loud snores which would awake her. But she never complained about those loud snores, because she said that these were the small things to tell her that her husband was still alive.

This advertisement is in English..

Recently, there is another advertisement about family love. It was about this very grandmother, who was quite grumpy ever since her husband died, and she was a very hard lady to take care of.

Like one night, during dinner, the grandmother started complaining very loudly that the meat was too hard to bite, and she spat it out, and she scolded her daughter-in-law for cooking such an awful dish. Her daughter-in-law, teary-eyed, took the whole plate of meat and poured it into the bin. Her son, then stood up and told her he would go out and buy some fish porridge for her. Shortly after, she saw her grandson staring at her with anger, and then he stomped back to his room, leaving her all alone at the table.

The next day, she created a scene and shouted that she wanted to move out, she did not want to live with them. When her grandson heard it, he was very angry with her and slammed the door.

But one morning, he woke up and opened the door to see a doctor in their house, telling his parents about his grandmother's sickness and that she had to be hospitalized.

When they were at the hospital, the grandson suddenly asked his father, "Dad, grandma treats mum and you so badly, why do you still feel so sad?"

His father then told him that once when he was young, was sick and went unconscious, his mother had to carry him to the hospital, and it was raining very heavily. When she reached the hospital, she called a nurse to help her, but the nurse told her to wait. So she had no choice but to sit down and wait. While she was waiting, she sang a song to her son “天黑黑”, and when she finished singing it, he woke up. That was the same song her son sang to her when she was at the hospital now, and her grandson was standing aside, watching. Then the slogan flashed, "How one generation loves, the next generation learns."

This advertisement is spoken in Chinese.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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How One Generation Loves, The Next Generation Learns
2010/06/27 20:42

Aunt is indeed impressed..

U can still remember these adverts n d messages conveyed..

Despicable Yan Hui(Clover96) 於 2010-06-27 20:54 回覆:
heehees  thank you very much *bow*