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Me, My Mood, Chocolates and LIFE
2010/04/18 20:25:09瀏覽540|回應1|推薦3

Did I ever mention before that I am a very BIG CRAZY LOVER of chocolates? Especially when I have a HUGE CRAVING for them, I will go very HYSTERICAL at their sight. Really! The scene of me going mad over chocolates can be quite hilarious, but me going crazy over chocolates is really quite normal.

One of the most common sentences I have often heard is, "I love chocolates!" But it is often followed by the question next, "What kind of chocolates do you like?" or "Which brand of chocolates do you prefer?"

I usually hear many answers like Cadbury or Hersheys or many other popular chocolate brands. But I always have a hard time giving a simple and straight answer. The most simple answer I can give is, I like all kinds of chocolates, but it still depends on my mood.

Starting from the Number 1 chocolate on my list being the most eaten, CREAMY MILK CHOCOLATE. Creamy Milk Chocolates is rich in dairy. Therfore the taste is also very sweet. Now, roughly from this description, some can guess what do mood do I have if I feel like eating Milk Chocolate.

The most obvious emotion is when I am feeling down. True, last time, I often wonder why I always feel like eating Cadbury Brand Milk Chocolate when I feel the world leaves me feeling blue. Now I know. Once, when watching television, they explained that chocolates actually triggers some parts of the brain and resulting it to produce endorphins which works as "natural pain relievers". No wonder I always feel much better after eating it.

But besides upset, I also eat this particular chocolate with another emotion: Love.  Well, it sounds a bit mushy but it is true. It makes me feel even more blissful and somehow I feel like flying straight up to sky nine.

Number 2 on my list for being the most eaten chocolate is our "Mr. Nutty Chocolate!" Haha. This guy's got texture unlike the smooth and comforting feeling of Mr. Milky Chocolate. Eating Mr. Nutty Choc requires teeth to chew, so I often eat this when doing my homework. I like to chew when I am thinking, it keeps me awake,  and keeps my train of thoughts running. So when my chewing gum supply runs out, Mr. Nutty Choc is always there for me to chew.

Number 3 on my list is Mr. Dark Chocolate. Man, this is one type of chocolate which is one of the most uncommon ones among me and my friends. They said it tasted bitter, true, but there is also a slight taste of sweetness within. I enjoy Dark Chocolate most when I just feel like enjoying my life in a "high class way". Haha, sounds quite silly, but I feel that Dark Chocolate just associates well with people who are very high class.

Last time, when I was young and ignorant, I hated this chocolate to the core. But as I grow older and become more sensible, I start to admire the taste, and what I feel is more meaningful how we can actually relate the taste to real life. When we pop the chocolate into our mouth, the initial taste we got is bitter. But if we learn to enjoy the taste as it slowly melts in our mouth, a little sweetness starts coming in. Just like in life, when we face a problem, it tends to discourage us a little, causes us to be upset, but if we overcome the problem bravely, positvely and most importantly, happily, eventually we will overcome it and receive our reward.

This Dark Chocolate, somehow is like teaching us the "Art of Experiencing". Not long ago, this trainer who comes into our school to teach us how to do "Service Learning" ( a programme which my school wants us to join to gain experience and also learn how we can serve the society in a meaningful way ). She showed us a slide ( in her powerpoint slides ) which has a very meaningful sentence in it. It says, "Experience is not the situation we face but it is how we DEAL WITH the situation that we face in life."

Many times I think back about the things that I did, and how I deal with it or my opinions about it. Sometimes I realize that I could not care less about a situation, I did not gain much EXPERIENCE from it. But when I face a situation seriously and did my self-reflection after that, I realize I actually gained alot of EXPERIENCE from within.

So although Creamy Milk Chocolate can be the Number 1 chocolate of being eaten by me on my list, but when it comes to being the most meaningful chocolate on my list, Dark Chocolate tops the rest.

( 休閒生活其他 )
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Me, My Mood, Chocolates and LIFE
2010/04/18 20:40

Aunt is indeed very impressed with u!!

U write beautifully n now "D Green Surpasses D Blue"!!


Despicable Yan Hui(Clover96) 於 2010-04-18 23:01 回覆:

Haha, Thank you very much! (: I can write beautifully is also thanks to yr great teaching (: