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The Brutal Murder case of Secondary 2 Empathy
2010/04/02 22:12:46瀏覽669|回應3|推薦5


Please do not read this while eating.

Rating: PG14 (Parental Guidance 14 Years old)

Genre: "Horror"

Secondary 2 Empathy is the name of my class. This, is the report of a recent murder case of Secondary 2 Empathy.

Date: 30th March 2010

Crime scene: Classroom of Secondary 2 Empathy

Victim: Grasshopper

Culprit: The Chinese Teacher

Weapon: Dustpan


During Chinese lesson period, an unexpected and un-welcomed visitor flew into our classroom. It was an oversized grasshopper. The grasshopper's flight ended at the edge of our classroom's whiteboard.

The grasshopper seemed to be injured as it was crawling on the edge of the whiteboard in a gruesome manner instead of hopping actively. It crawled from one end till another.

Finally, when the grasshopper reached the other end of the whiteboard, it jumped down onto the floor without a word of warning, causing two boys sitting at the first row to let out a ear-piercing and lady-like scream and ran all the way to the back of the classroom. Half of the class follwed suit.

Now, here comes the "murderer". The Chinese teacher immediately grabbed a nearby dustpan and used the edge to chop the poor struggling grasshopper into pieces. This action had led to leaking of the internal juices of the grasshopper.


My reflection

Oh my goodness, poor poor grasshopper. What did it do to deserve such horrible ending? Poor thing, when I saw the whole scene before my eyes, I was nearly scared out of my skin. I froze momentarily, but after that, I quickly turned away, not willing to see the rest of the brutal killing. But after turning my head away, my faint heart caused me to cry out for the poor grasshopper.

Goodness, crying out for bugs being brutally killed is not the first time.

Once, a cockroach flew into my home, and when I saw it in the kitchen, I acted on my instinct, screamed then ran. After my dad had heard my scream, he asked me what happened, I pointed at the cockroach which was touring inside the kitchen. My goodness, after that, my dad rushed in to kill the cockroach, which was when I started crying for it.

Another time, When I was in my aunt's house, a nympth cockroach was discovered in my cousin's bedroom. This time, it was my grandma who came to the rescue. She used her slipper and started hitting the cockroach. Oh dear, poor cockroach, the leg came off, and out come my tears again.

This time, crying for the poor grasshopper's death is no exception. So to cheer myself up, this is what I always do:

Brace my courage and walk to the deceased bug and say, " dear _____ , may you rest in peace and recarnate into a better person in your next life."

And everytime I cry for the bugs, this crying machine is being scolded by her parents for being such a fraidy cat. But I just couldn't help it, what should I do to stop crying and get a braver heart ?

( 休閒生活其他 )
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Why stop crying?
2010/04/04 08:04
You have a big heart.
Despicable Yan Hui(Clover96) 於 2010-04-06 13:33 回覆:

Thank you very much!  

The Brutal Murder
2010/04/02 23:56

Hehe, u must be thinking aunt is such a genius again rite?

I m always spot-on!

U c, such bully is actually a coward by nature!

D reason y he's such a BIG bully in class coz he's putting up a false front to hide his cowardice!!

Despicable Yan Hui(Clover96) 於 2010-04-03 15:13 回覆:
HAHA!!!! yups, I totally agree with you. He's a big big gigantic coward! And acting as a big big bully is his forte!

The Brutal Murder
2010/04/02 23:04

LOL..... LOL..

Sorry not on d death but yr tears!

Instead of crying, u sud have given d poor grasshopper a decent burial..

Hey, u remind me of 林黛玉!!

Oh ya, who r d 2 boys who were out of wits n fled hastily? I would LOL if 1 of them is Banana!! 

Despicable Yan Hui(Clover96) 於 2010-04-02 23:37 回覆:
And BINGO! YOU'RE RITE!!!!!!! ONE OF THEM IS BANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  D other guy is called Anthony