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The Case of The Problematic Body Machine
2010/04/02 21:30:23瀏覽532|回應1|推薦4

Yesterday night I had blood shot eyes due to lack of sleep.

Today, terrible headache and sore throat all day long due to lack of sleep and overdosage of chocolate and cheese.

Sore throat is also partly due to over-straining of vocal chords this wednesday during the 3-hour choir practice.

Lack of sleep is due to stress leading to imsomnia.

Overdosage of chocolates and chesse is due to glutony, addiction and craving.

Glutony, addiction and craving is due to temptation.

Temptation is from watching food shows and pictures of delicious food.

Now watching food shows and pictures which views delicious and tempting food is due to the hunger of my stomache.

Oh dear, I think this Problematic Body Machine is really PROBLEMATIC and HOPELESS. What should I do now ?

( 休閒生活其他 )
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The Case of The Problematic Body Machine
2010/04/02 21:54

U have d hunger attack too?

So sorry but yr article is so funny, I cant help but to LOL..

Well, what to do when we have this sickening metabolism imbalance I think!

Today mine is quite severe, given d fact dat d feeling is still with me NOW!

OMG, u ask d rite question.... Who can help us??

Despicable Yan Hui(Clover96) 於 2010-04-02 22:20 回覆:

Haha, yeah. Who?

And my hunger attack isn so serious today. But because "Mr. Na Leng" is visiting me almost everyday now, I have to drink milo to stop, which is heaty too. And because I also have to control my diet, I just watch the food channel to let my eyes feast on it.

But in the end  "Mr. Temptation" won, so I ended up eating more unhealthy food which caused the malfunctioning of this Body Machine.

Thanks alot "Mr. Na Leng" and "Mr. Temptation" !

P.S. I published another article, do wanna take a look at that as well ?