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The crazy Yan Hui IS BACK! (:
2010/03/16 16:17:40瀏覽600|回應2|推薦4

Hello everybody, I am back!!!!! (:

 I have disappeared so long, so sorry. Recently, I was so busy with my homework. First, 2 years back I had a big exam to sit for, which is the PSLE ( Primary School Leaving Examination ). Then after my examinations, I had to get use to the life in secondary school. From four basic subjects in Primary school, English, Chinese, Maths and Science, to the nine complex subjects in Secondary school, English, Chinese, Maths, Science, Geography, History, English Literature, Art and Roots and Wings ( Charisma lesson ).

Now after getting used to the life of Secondary 2, I am more free now. But still, I must control the amount of time I used on the computer. This way I am able to concentrate more on my schoolwork.

( 休閒生活其他 )
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blue phoenix女兒回家時-祝母親節快樂
good luck with everything
2010/03/26 21:08



blue phoenix

Despicable Yan Hui(Clover96) 於 2010-03-29 20:32 回覆:
 Thank you very much!

The crazy Yan Hui IS BACK! (:
2010/03/16 17:52

As if!!!

More likely u r hooked on to something rectangular, something that boomzzZZ n ShingzzZZ!!

Despicable Yan Hui(Clover96) 於 2010-03-16 17:59 回覆:
yups.... hahas, something so boomz like FENG  ZHI HUA YUAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahas, and also some other stuffs that shingz so much is you!!!!!!!!!!!! :P