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The forgotten emotions
2010/05/14 13:52:54瀏覽476|回應1|推薦4

Dear dear.... Recently, I have been quite busy. Maybe because of schools examinations, I have somewhat lost my emotions. About 2 weeks ago, my exams started, and also, it was just nice my birthday. Goodness, I thought back and realize that for the past years, I anticipated my birthday at least one month ago. But now? It was only until one week before then I had remembered that my birthday is coming soon.

To students, this is what school stress in Singapore can do to. It can so called "numb your emotions". Really, even until my birthday, I still could not feel the excitement in me like the previous years.  

It was only until midnight when I signed into my Facebook account,I then received many well wishes from my friends, which made me feel very touched.  

And now, I finished my last paper of examinations yesterday, I also heard people cheering, an atmosphere of freedom in the air for my schoolmates. But right until now, I still could not find the old anticipation of freedom after exams. See, I really think my emotions of freedom, excitement and happiness is gone.

Seriously, because of the examinations recently, I tried my usual indulgence in chocolates again, but it is not effective anymore. Not even chocolates couls help anymore. What should I do ? Any suggestions ?

( 休閒生活其他 )
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The forgotten emotions
2010/05/16 16:10

Continue taking more choc n c what wud become of u in years to come..